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This section lists articles in peer reviewed journals as well as book contributions (marked with " [book contribution]")


  • de Groot, T., Kalenitchenko, D. S. D., Moser, M., Argentino, C., Panieri, G., Lindgren, J. M., Dølven, K. O., Ferré, B., Svenning, M. M., & Niemann, H. (2024). Methanotroph activity and connectivity between two seep systems north off Svalbard. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12 (1287226) p. 1-15.
  • de Groot, T. R., Menoud, M., van Bleijswijk, J., Van Leeuwen, S. M., Van Der Molen, J., Hernando-Morales, V., Czerski, H., Maazallahi, H., Walter, S., Rush, D., Rockmann, T., & Niemann, H. (2024). Tidal and seasonal influence on cold seep activity and methanotroph efficiency in the North Sea. Communications Earth & Environment, 5 (368) p. 1-13.
  • de Vogel, F. A., Goudriaan, M., Zettler, E. R., Niemann, H., Eich, A., Weber, M., Lott, C., & Amaral-Zettler, L. A. (2024). Biodegradable plastics in Mediterranean coastal environments feature contrasting microbial succession. Science of the Total Environment, 928 (172288) p. 1-20.
  • Himmler, T., Wagner, D., Sahy, D., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Chand, S., Martma, T., Kirsimäe, K., Mattingsdal, R., Panieri, G., Bünz, S., Condon, D. J., Knies, J. M., & Lepland, A. (2024). Protracted post-glacial hydrocarbon seepage in the Barents Sea revealed by U–Th dating of seep carbonates. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12 (1355621) p. 1-11.
  • Serov, P., Andreassen, K. M., Winsborrow, M. C. M., Mattingsdal, R., & Patton, H. J. (2024). Geological and glaciological controls of 21,700 active methane seeps in the northern Norwegian Barents sea. Frontiers in Earth Science, 12 (1404027) p. 1-20.


  • Allaart, L., Patton, H., & Esteves, M. (2023). Chapter 50 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.7 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation p. 473-479. [book contribution]
  • Argentino, C., Kalenitchenko, D., Lindgren, J. M., & Panieri, G. (2023). HgCl2 addition to pore water samples from cold seeps can affect the geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon ([DIC], δ13CDIC). Marine Chemistry, 251 (104236) p. 1-8.
  • Beccari, V., Almogi-Labin, A., Basso, D., Panieri, G., Makovsky, Y., Hajdas, I., & Spezzaferri, S. (2023). Late Holocene pteropod distribution across the base of the south-eastern Mediterranean margin: the importance of the > 63 µm fraction. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 42 (13-29) p.
  • Beccari, V., Almogi-Labin, A., Basso, D., Panieri, G., Makovsky, Y., Neururer, C., Hajdas, I., & Spezzaferri, S. (2023). The Heliconoides Modified Dissolution Index-HMDI: Do methane seepage environments affect the preservation state of Heliconoides inflatus? Ecological Indicators, 152 (110380) p. 1-13.
  • Bellwald, B., Stokke, H. H., Winsborrow, M., Planke, S., Sættem, J., Lebedeva-Ivanova, N., Hafeez, A., Kurjanski, B., Myklebust, R. A., & Polteau, S. (2023). Structural and fluid-migration control on hill-hole pair formation: Evidence from high-resolution 3D seismic data from the SW Barents Sea. Geomorphology, 420 (108502) p. 1-18.
  • Chaabane, S., de Garidel-Thoron, T., Giraud, X., Schiebel, R., Beaugrand, G., Brummer, G.-J., Casajus, N., Greco, M., Grigoratou, M., Howa, H., Jonkers, L., Kucera, M., Kuroyanagi, A., Meilland, J., Monteiro, F., Mortyn, G., Almogi-Labin, A., Asahi, H., Avnaim-Katav, S., Bassinot, F., Davis, C. V., Field, D. B., Hernández-Almeida, I., Herut, B., Hosie, G., Howard, W., Jentzen, A., Johns, D. G., Keigwin, L., Kitchener, J., Kohfeld, K. E., Lessa, D. V. O., Manno, C., Marchant, M., Ofstad, S., Ortiz, J. D., Post, A., Rigual-Hernández, A., Rillo, M. C., Robinson, K., Sagawa, T., Sierro, F. J., Takahashi, K. T., Torfstein, A., Venancio, I., Yamasaki, M., & Ziveri, P. (2023). The FORCIS database: A global census of planktonic Foraminifera from ocean waters. Scientific Data, 10 (354) p. 1-16.
  • Chu, R. W. C., Yasuhara, M., Myrvang Riise, K., Asahi, H., Huang, H.-H. M., Cotton, L. J., Hong, Y., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2023). Late Quaternary paleoceanography of Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: Ostracode species as a potential indicator of cold seep activity. Geology, 51 (8) p. 758-762.
  • Cook, A. E., Portnov, A., Heber, R. C., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., & Bünz, S. (2023). Widespread subseafloor gas hydrate in the Barents Sea and Norwegian Margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 604 (117993) p. 1-11.
  • Cooke, F. A., Plaza-Faverola, A., Bünz, S., Sultan, N., Ramachandran, H., Bedle, H., Patton, H., Singhroha, S., & Knies, J. M. (2023). Sedimentary deformation relating to episodic seepage in the last 1.2 million years: a multi-scale seismic study from the Vestnesa Ridge, eastern Fram Strait. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11 (1188737) p. 1-17.
  • Delre, A., Goudriaan, M., Morales, V. H., Vaksmaa, A., Rachel Tintswalo, N., Marianne, B., Keijzer, E., de Groot, T., Zeghal, E., Egger, M., Röckmann, T., & Niemann, H. (2023). Plastic photodegradation under simulated marine conditions. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 187 (114544) p. 1-7.
  • de Groot, T. R., Mol, A. M., Mesdag, K., Ramond, P., Ndhlovu, R., Engelmann, J. C., Röckmann, T., & Niemann, H. (2023). Diel and seasonal methane dynamics in the shallow and turbulent Wadden Sea. Biogeosciences, 20 p. 3857-3872.
  • Esteves, M., Patton, H., & Winsborrow, M. (2023). Chapter 13 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms during main deglaciation (18.9–14.6 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation p. 111-117. [book contribution]
  • Greco, M., Westgård, A., Sykes, F. E., Mohamed, M. M. E. A., & Meilland, J. (2023). Uncovering hidden structures: previously undescribed pseudopodia and ectoplasmic structures in planktonic foraminifera. Journal of Plankton Research, 45 (4) p. 652-660.
  • Goudriaan, M., Morales, V. H., van der Meer, M. T. J., Mets, A., Ndhlovu, R. T., van Heerwaarden, J., Simon, S., Heuer, V. B., Hinrichs, K.-U., & Niemann, H. (2023). A stable isotope assay with 13C-labeled polyethylene to investigate plastic mineralization mediated by Rhodococcus ruber. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 186 (114369) p. 1-10.
  • Greenwood, S. L., Winsborrow, M., & Hughes, A. L. C. (2023). Chapter 28 - European Ice Sheet Complex evolution during the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial (14.6–12.9 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation p. 273-286. [book contribution]
  • Heyl, T. P., Panieri, G., Fornari, D. J., Mattingsdal, R., Sauer, S., Yao, H., McCartin, L., McElwee, E., & Shank, T. M. (2023). Implications of transient methane flux on associated biological communities in high-arctic seep habitats, Storbanken, Norwegian Barents sea. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 201 (104156) p. 1-14.
  • Hughes, A. L. C., Greenwood, S. L., & Winsborrow, M. (2023). Chapter 45 - The glacial legacy of the EISC during the Younger Dryas Stadial. European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation p. 425-435. [book contribution]
  • Lasabuda, A. P. E., Hanssen, A., Laberg, J. S., Faleide, J. I., Patton, H., Abdelmalak, M. M., Rydningen, T. A., & Kjølhamar, B. (2023). Paleobathymetric reconstructions of the SW Barents Seaway and their implications for Atlantic–Arctic ocean circulation. Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (231) p. 1-17.
  • Meilland, J., Mohamed, M. M. E. A., Westgård, A., Manno, C., Morard, R., Siccha, M., & Kucera, M. (2023). Rare but persistent asexual reproduction explains the success of planktonic foraminifera in polar oceans. Journal of Plankton Research, 45 (1) p. 15-32.
  • Panieri, G., Knies, J. M., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Lee, A., & Schubert, C. J. (2023). Evidence of Arctic methane emissions across the mid-Pleistocene. Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (109) p. 1-11.
  • Patton, H., Winsborrow, M., & Esteves, M. (2023). Chapter 32 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial (14.6–12.9 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation p. 311-317. [book contribution]
  • Plaza-Faverola, A., Sultan, N., Lucchi, R. G., El bani Altuna, N., Ramachandran, H., Singhroha, S., Cooke, F. A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Mohamed, M. M. E. A., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2023). Spatial Changes in Gas Transport and Sediment Stiffness Influenced by Regional Stress: Observations From Piezometer Data Along Vestnesa Ridge, Eastern Fram Strait. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth, 128 (5) e2022JB025 p. 1-21.
  • Portnov, A. D., You, K., Flemings, P. B., Cook, A. E., Heidari, M., Sawyer, D. E., & Bünz, S. (2023). Dating submarine landslides using the transient response of gas hydrate stability. Geology, 51 (4) p. 387-391.
  • Sen, A., Andersen, L. W., Kjeldsen, K. U., Michel, L. N., Hong, W.-L., Choquet, M., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2023). The phylogeography and ecology of Oligobrachia frenulate species suggest a generalist chemosynthesis-based fauna in the arctic. Heliyon, 9 (3) e14232 p. 1-17.
  • Serov, P., Mattingsdal, R., Winsborrow, M., Patton, H., & Andreassen, K. M. (2023). Widespread natural methane and oil leakage from sub-marine Arctic reservoirs. Nature Communications, 14 (1782) p. 1-12.
  • Sert, M. F., Schweitzer, H., de Groot, T. R., Kekäläinen, T., Jänis, J., Bernstein, H. C., Ferré, B., Gründger, F., Kalenitchenko, D. S. D., & Niemann, H. (2023). Elevated methane alters dissolved organic matter composition in the Arctic Ocean cold seeps. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11 (1290882) p. 1-16.
  • Shackleton, C., Patton, H., Winsborrow, M., Esteves, M., Bjarnadòttir, L. R., & Andreassen, K. M. (2023). Distinct modes of meltwater drainage and landform development beneath the last Barents Sea ice sheet. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11 (1111396) p. 1-17.
  • Shamurailatpam, M. S., Telling, J., Wadham, J. L., Ramanathan, A. L., Yates, C. A., & Raju, N. J. (2023). Factors controlling the net ecosystem production of cryoconite on Western Himalayan glaciers. Biogeochemistry, 162 p. 201-220
  • Simkins, L. M., Greenwood, S. L., Winsborrow, M., Bjarnadóttir, L. R., & Lepp, A. (2023). Advances in understanding subglacial meltwater drainage from past ice sheets. Annals of Glaciology, 63 (87-89) p. 83 - 87.
  • Stiller-Reeve, M. A., Argentino, C., Waghorn, K. A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Kalenitchenko, D., & Panieri, G. (2023). Handwritten letters and photo albums linking geoscientists with school classes. Geoscience Communication, 6 p. 1-9.
  • Thorsnes, T., Chand, S., Bellec, V. K., Nixon, C., Brunstad, H., Lepland, A., & Aarrestad, S. M. (2023). Gas seeps in Norwegian waters – distribution and mechanisms. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 103 (2) p. 1-32.
  • Westgård, A., Mohamed, M. M. E. A., Chalk, T., Chierici, M., Foster, G. L., & Meilland, J. (2023). Large-scale culturing of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, its growth in, and tolerance of, variable environmental conditions. Journal of Plankton Research, 45 (5) p. 732-745.
  • Winsborrow, M., Hughes, A. L. C., & Greenwood, S. L. (2023). Chapter 9 - European Ice Sheet Complex evolution during main deglaciation (18.9–14.6 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: The Last Deglaciation p. 71-83. [book contribution]
  • Ziveri, P., Gray, W. R., Anglada Ortiz, G., Manno, C., Grelaud, M., Incarbona, A., Rae, J. W. B., Subhas, A. V., Pallacks, S., White, A., Adkins, J. F., & Berelson, W. (2023). Pelagic calcium carbonate production and shallow dissolution in the North Pacific Ocean. Nature Communications, 14 (805) p. 1-14.


  • Andersen, J. L., Margreth, A., Fredin, O., Linge, H., Goodfellow, B. W., Faust, J. C., Knies, J., Solbakk, T., Brook, E. J., Scheiber, T., van der Lelij, R., Burki, V. J., Rubensdotter, B. L. E. F., Himmler, T., Yesilyurt, S., Christl, M., Vockenhuber, C., & Akcar, N. (2022). Rapid post-glacial bedrock weathering in coastal Norway. Geomorphology, 397 (108003) p. 1-19.
  • Argentino, C., Lee, A., Fallati, L., Sahy, D., Birgel, D., Peckmann, J., Bünz, S., & Panieri, G. (2022). Biogeochemistry and timing of methane-derived carbonate formation at Leirdjupet fault complex, SW Barents sea. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10 (1029471) p. 1-17.
  • Argentino, C., Savini, A., & Panieri, G. (2022). Integrating Fine-Scale Habitat Mapping and Pore Water Analysis in Cold Seep Research: A Case Study from the SW Barents Sea. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 505-514. [book contribution]
  • Bellwald, B., Planke, S., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Buenz, S., Batchelor, C. L., Manton, B., Zastrozhnov, D., Walker, F., Machado Garcia, A., Myklebust, R., & Kjølhamar, B. (2022). Quaternary and Neogene Reservoirs of the Norwegian Continental Shelf and the Faroe-Shetland Basin. First Break, 40 (6) p. 43-54.
  • Bisset, R. R., Nienow, P. W., Goldberg, D. N., Wigmore, O., Loayza-Muro, R. A., Wadham, J. L., Macdonald, M. L., & Bingham, R. G. (2022). Using thermal UAV imagery to model distributed debris thicknesses and sub-debris melt rates on debris-covered glaciers. Journal of Glaciology, 69 (276) p. 981-996.
  • Bonali, F. L., Russo, E., Vitello, F., Antoniou, V., Marchese, F., Fallati, L., Bracchi, V., Corti, N., Savini, A., Whitworth, M., Drymoni, K., Mariotto, F. P., Nomikou, P. V., Sciacca, E., Bressan, S., Falsaperla, S., Reitano, D., van Wyk de Vries, B., Krokos, M., Panieri, G., Stiller-Reeve, M. A., Vizzari, G., Becciani, U., & Tibaldi, A. (2022). How Academics and the Public Experienced Immersive Virtual Reality for Geo-Education. Geosciences, 12(1), 9 p. 1-22.
  • Box, J. E., Hubbard, A. L., Bahr, D. B., Colgan, W. T., Fettweis, X., Mankoff, K. D., Wehrlé, A., Noel, B., Van Den Broeke, M. R., Wouters, B., Bjørk, A. A., & Fausto, R. S. (2022). Greenland ice sheet climate disequilibrium and committed sea-level rise. Nature Climate Change, 12 p. 808-813.
  • Brown, R. M., Chalk, T., Crocker, A. J., Wilson, P. A., & Foster, G. L. (2022). Late Miocene cooling coupled to carbon dioxide with Pleistocene-like climate sensitivity. Nature Geoscience, 15 p. 664-670.
  • Bünz, S. (2022). Gas Hydrates in the Norwegian Sea. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 275-283. [book contribution]
  • Caricchi, C., Campuzano, S. A., Sagnotti, L., Macri, P., & Lucchi, R. G. (2022). Reconstruction of the Virtual Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) path at high latitude for the last 22 kyr: The role of radial field flux patches as VGP attractor. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 598 (117762) p. 1-12.
  • Chand, S. (2022). Estimation of Gas Hydrates in the Pore Space of Sediments Using Inversion Methods. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 65-72. [book contribution]
  • Devendra, D., Łącka, M., Telesiński, M. M., Rasmussen, T. L., Sztybor, K., & Zajączkowski, M. (2022). Paleoceanography of the Northwestern Greenland Sea and Return Atlantic Current evolution, 35–4 kyr BP. Global and Planetary Change, 217 (103947) p.
  • Domel, P., Singhroha, S., Plaza-Faverola, A., Schlindwein, V., Ramachandran, H., & Bünz, S. (2022). Origin and Periodic Behavior of Short Duration Signals Recorded by Seismometers at Vestnesa Ridge, an Active Seepage Site on the West-Svalbard Continental Margin. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10 (831526) p. 1-18.
  • Dølven, K. O., Ferré, B., Silyakova, A., Jansson, P., Linke, P., & Moser, M. (2022). Autonomous methane seep site monitoring offshore western Svalbard: hourly to seasonal variability and associated oceanographic parameters. Ocean Science, 18 p. 233-254.
  • Dølven, K. O., Vierinen, J., Grilli, R., Triest, J., & Ferré, B. (2022). Response time correction of slow-response sensor data by deconvolution of the growth-law equation. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 11 p. 292-306.
  • German, C. R., Reeves, E., Türke, A., Diehl, A., Albers, E., Bach, W., Purser, A., Ramalho, S. P., Suman, S., Mertens, C., Walter, M., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Schlindwein, V., Bünz, S., & Boetius, A. (2022). Volcanically hosted venting with indications of ultramafic influence at Aurora hydrothermal field on Gakkel Ridge. Nature Communications, 13 (6517) p. 1-11.
  • Greco, M., Werner, K., Zamelczyk, K., Rasmussen, T. L., & Kucera, M. (2022). Decadal trend of plankton community change and habitat shoaling in the Arctic gateway recorded by planktonic foraminifera. Global Change Biology, 28 (5) p. 1798-1808.
  • Greenwood, S. L., Hughes, A. L. C., & Winsborrow, M. (2022). Chapter 28 - The EISC evolution prior to the Last Glacial Maximum. European Glacial Landscapes: Maximum Extent of Glaciations p. 203-211. [book contribution]
  • Greenwood, S. L., Winsborrow, M., & Hughes, A. L. C. (2022). Chapter 4 - The European Ice Sheet Complex. European Glacial Landscapes: Maximum Extent of Glaciations p. 29-36. [book contribution]
  • Hammock, C. P., Kulessa, B., Hiemstra, J. F., Hodson, A. J., & Hubbard, A. (2022). Seismic and electrical geophysical characterization of an incipient coastal open-system pingo: Lagoon Pingo, Svalbard. Earth and Space Science, 9 (3) e2021EA002093 p. 1-20.
  • Hanken, N.-M., Sztybor, K., Høeg, H. I., Karlsen, D. A., Rasmussen, T. L., & Abay, T. B. (2022). Late Quaternary terrigenous plant and coaly fragments found at Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: implications for postglacial plant colonization at Svalbard. Lethaia: An International Journal of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, 55 (4) p. 1-13.
  • Himmler, T., Cremiere, A., Birgel, D., Wirth, R., Orphan, V. J., Kirsimae, K., Knies, J., Peckmann, J., & Lepland, A. (2022). Putative fossils of chemotrophic microbes preserved in seep carbonates from Vestnesa Ridge, off northwest Svalbard, Norway. Geology, 50 (2) p. 169–173.
  • Hong, W.-L., Lepland, A., Kirsimäe, K., Crémière, A., & Rae, J. W. B. (2022). Boron concentrations and isotopic compositions in methane-derived authigenic carbonates: Constraints and limitations in reconstructing formation conditions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 579 (117337) p. 1-10.
  • Hughes, A. L. C., Winsborrow, M., & Greenwood, S. L. (2022). Chapter 47 - European Ice Sheet Complex evolution during the Last Glacial Maximum (29–19 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: Maximum Extent of Glaciations p. 361-372. [book contribution]
  • Irvine-Fynn, T. D. L., Bunting, P. S., Cook, J. M., Hubbard, A., Barrand, N. E., Hanna, E., Hardy, A. J., Hodson, A. J., Holt, T. O., Huss, M., McQuaid, J. B., Nilsson, J., Naegeli, K., Roberts, O., Ryan, J. C., Tedstone, A. J., Tranter, M., & Williamson, C. J. (2022). Temporal Variability of Surface Reflectance Supersedes Spatial Resolution in Defining Greenland’s Bare-Ice Albedo. Remote Sensing, 14 (62) p. 1-22.
  • Kishankov, A., Serov, P., Bünz, S., Patton, H. J., Hubbard, A. L., Mattingsdal, R., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., & Andreassen, K. M. (2022). Hydrocarbon leakage driven by quaternary glaciations in the Barents Sea based on 2D basin and petroleum system modeling. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 138 (105557) p. 1-18.
  • Knies, J. M. (2022). Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Changing Arctic Ocean Ventilation Regimes During the Cenozoic. Geophysical Research Letters, 19 (17) p. 8.
  • Knies, J. M., Schönenberger, J., Zwingmann, H., van der Lelij, R., Smelror, M., Vullum, P. E., Brönner, M., Vogt, C., Fredin, O., Müller, A., Grasby, S. E., Beauchamp, B., & Viola, G. (2022). Continental weathering and recovery from ocean nutrient stress during the Early Triassic Biotic Crisis. Communications Earth & Environment, 3 (161) p. 1-12.
  • Koehl, J.-B. P., Magee, C., & Anell, I. (2022). Impact of Timanian thrust systems on the late Neoproterozoic–Phanerozoic tectonic evolution of the Barents Sea and Svalbard. Solid Earth (SE), 13 p. 85-115.
  • Larkin, C. S., Mohamed, M. M. E. A., Roberts, N. L., Bauch, H. A., Spielhagen, R. F., Noormets, R., Polyak, L., Moreton, S. G., Rasmussen, T. L., Sarnthein, M., Tipper, E. T., & Piotrowski, A. M. (2022). Active Nordic Seas deep-water formation during the last glacial maximum. Nature Geoscience, 15 p. 925-931.
  • LeKieffre, C., Jauffrais, T., Bernhard, J. M., Filipsson, H. L., Schmidt, C., Roberge, H., Maire, O., Panieri, G., Geslin, E., & Meibom, A. (2022). Ammonium and Sulfate Assimilation Is Widespread in Benthic Foraminifera. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 (861945) p. 1-10.
  • Marcon, Y., Römer, M., Scherwath, M., Riedel, M., Dølven, K. O., & Heesemann, M. (2022). Variability of Marine Methane Bubble Emissions on the Clayoquot Slope, Offshore Vancouver Island, Between 2017 and 2021. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10 (864809) p. 1-15.
  • Melaniuk, K., Sztybor, K., Treude, T., Sommer, S., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2022). Influence of methane seepage on isotopic signatures in living deep-sea benthic foraminifera, 79° N. Scientific Reports, 12 (1169) p. 1-13.
  • Melaniuk, K., Sztybor, K., Treude, T., Sommer, S., Zajaczkowski, M., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2022). Response of benthic foraminifera to environmental successions of cold seeps from Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard: Implications for interpretations of paleo-seepage environments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 (999902) p. 1-14.
  • Mellink, Y., Van Emmerik, T., Kooi, M., Laufkötter, C., & Niemann, H. (2022). The Plastic Pathfinder: A macroplastic transport and fate model for terrestrial environments. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10 (979685) p. 1-16.
  • Mienert, J., Berndt, C., Tréhu, A. M., Camerlenghi, A., & Liu, C.-S. (2022). World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins. [book contribution]
  • Mienert, J., Tréhu, A. M., Berndt, C., Camerlenghi, A., Liu, C.-S., & Massironi, M. (2022). Finding and Using the World’s Gas Hydrates. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 33-52. [book contribution]
  • Mänd, K., Planavsky, N. J., Porter, S. M., Robbins, L. J., Wang, C., Kreitsmann, T., Paiste, K., Paiste, P., Romashkin, A. E., Deines, Y. E., Kirsimäe, K., Lepland, A., & Konhauser, K. O. (2022). Chromium evidence for protracted oxygenation during the Paleoproterozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 584 (117501) p. 1-13.
  • Ng, H. C., Hawkings, J. R., Bertrand, S., Summers, B. A., Sieber, M., Conway, T. M., Freitas, F. S., Ward, J. P. J., Pryer, H. V., Wadham, J. L., Arndt, S., & Hendry, K. R. (2022). Benthic dissolved silicon and iron cycling at glaciated Patagonian fjord heads. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36 (e2022GB007493) p. 1-22.
  • Patton, H., Hubbard, A., Heyman, J., Alexandropoulou, N., Lasabuda, A. P. E., Stroeven, A. P., Hall, A. M., Winsborrow, M., Sugden, D. E., Kleman, J., & Andreassen, K. M. (2022). The extreme yet transient nature of glacial erosion. Nature Communications, 13 (7377) p. 1-14.
  • Patton, H. J., Winsborrow, M., & Esteves, M. (2022). Chapter 51 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms from the Last Glacial Maximum. European Glacial Landscapes: Maximum Extent of Glaciations p. 395-399. [book contribution]
  • Plaza-Faverola, A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Singhroha, S., Hong, W.-L., Waghorn, K. A., Lasabuda, A. P. E., Ferré, B., Bünz, S., & Mienert, J. (2022). Gas Hydrate Related Bottom-Simulating Reflections Along the West-Svalbard Margin, Fram Strait. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 225-235. [book contribution]
  • Ramachandran, H., Plaza-Faverola, A., & Daigle, H. (2022). Impact of Gas Saturation and Gas Column Height at the Base of the Gas Hydrate Stability Zone on Fracturing and Seepage at Vestnesa Ridge, West-Svalbard Margin. Energies, 15 (3156) p. 1-25.
  • Ramirez-Llodra, E., Argentino, C., Baker, M., Boetius, A., Costa, C., Dahle, H., Denny, E. M., Dessandier, P.-A., Eilertsen, M. H., Ferré, B., German, C. R., Hand, K., Hilário, A., Hislop, L., Jamieson, J. W., Kalenitchenko, D., Mall, A., Panieri, G., Purser, A., Ramalho, S. P., Reeves, E. P., Rolley, L., Pereira, S., Ribeiro, P. A., Sert, M. F., Steen, I. H., Stetzler, M. H. P., Stokke, R., Victorero, L., Vulcano, F., Vågenes, S., Waghorn, K. A., & Bünz, S. (2022). Hot Vents Beneath an Icy Ocean: The Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Revealed. Oceanography, In press: Early Release p. 1-12.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., Pearce, C., Andresen, K. J., Nielsen, T., & Seidenkrantz, M. S. (2022). Northeast Greenland (79.4 °N): Ice-free shelf edge around the Last Glacial Maximum 25.5-17.5 ka. Boreas, 51 (4) p. 759-775.
  • Rodrigues, S., Hernández-Molina, F. J., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Lucchi, R. G., Rodríguez-Tovar, F. J., Rebesco, M., & Larter, R. D. (2022). Recognizing key sedimentary facies and their distribution in mixed turbidite–contourite depositional systems: The case of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula. Sedimentology, 69 (4) p. 1953-1991.
  • Sarkar, S., Moser, M., Berndt, C., Doll, M., Böttner, C., Chi, W.-C., Klaeschen, D., Galerne, C., Karstens, J., Geilert, S., Mortera-Gutierrez, C., & Hensen, C. (2022). Thermal state of the Guaymas Basin derived from gas hydrate bottom simulating reflections and heat flow measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth, 127 (e2021JB023) p. 1-29.
  • Schmidt, C., Geslin, E., Bernhard, J. M., LeKieffre, C., Svenning, M. M., Roberge, H., Schweizer, M., & Panieri, G. (2022). Deposit-feeding of Nonionellina labradorica (foraminifera) from an Arctic methane seep site and possible association with a methanotroph. Biogeosciences, 19 p. 3897-3909.
  • Sejrup, H. P., Hjelstuen, B. O. B., Patton, H., Esteves, M., Winsborrow, M., Rasmussen, T. L., Andreassen, K. M., & Hubbard, A. L. (2022). The role of ocean and atmospheric dynamics in the marine-based collapse of the last Eurasian Ice Sheet. Communications Earth & Environment, 3 (119) p. 1-10.
  • Serov, P., & Portnov, A. (2022). Gas Hydrate Potential in the Kara Sea. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 255-259. [book contribution]
  • Sert, M. F., Niemann, H., Reeves, E., Granskog, M. A., Hand, K. P., Kekäläinen, T., Jänis, J., Rossel, P., Ferré, B., Silyakova, A., & Gründger, F. (2022). Compositions of dissolved organic matter in the ice-covered waters above the Aurora hydrothermal vent system, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean. Biogeosciences, 19 p. 2101-2120.
  • Silyakova, A., Nomura, D., Kotovitch, M., Fransson, A., Delille, B., Chierici, M., & Granskog, M. A. (2022). Methane release from open leads and new ice following an Arctic winter storm event. Polar Science, 33 (100874) p. 1-10.
  • Torricella, F., Gamboa Sojo, V. M., Gariboldi, K., Douss, N., Musco, M. E., Caricchi, C., Lucchi, R. G., Carbonara, K., & Morigi, C. (2022). Multiproxy investigation of the last 2,000 years BP marine paleoenvironmental record along the western Spitsbergen margin. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine research, 54 (1) p. 562-583.
  • Vachon, R. E. C., Schmidt, P., Lund, B., Plaza-Faverola, A., Patton, H., & Hubbard, A. L. (2022). Glacially Induced Stress Across the Arctic From the Eemian Interglacial to the Present—Implications for Faulting and Methane Seepage. Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Solid Earth, 127 (e2022JB024272) p. 1-38.
  • Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Chand, S., Waage, M., & Bünz, S. (2022). Occurrence and Distribution of Bottom Simulating Reflections in the Barents Sea. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 237-245. [book contribution]
  • Vrbická, K., Kohler, T. J., Falteisek, L., Hawkings, J. R., Vinšová, P., Bulínová, M., Lamarche-Gagnon, G., Hofer, S., Kellerman, A. M., Holt, A. D., Cameron, K. A., Schön, M., Wadham, J. L., & Stibal, M. (2022). Catchment characteristics and seasonality control the composition of microbial assemblages exported from three outlet glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13 (1035197) p. 1-14.
  • Waghorn, K. A., Johnson, J. E., Bünz, S., Plaza-Faverola, A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., & Waage, M. (2022). Svyatogor Ridge—A Gas Hydrate System Driven by Crustal Scale Processes. World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins p. 247-254. [book contribution]
  • Winsborrow, M., Patton, H. J., & Esteves, M. (2022). Chapter 8 - The Eurasian Arctic. European Glacial Landscapes: Maximum Extent of Glaciations p. 59-64. [book contribution]
  • Winsborrow, M., Patton, H. J., Esteves, M., & Alexandropoulou, N. (2022). Chapter 32 - The Eurasian Arctic: glacial landforms prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (before 29 ka). European Glacial Landscapes: Maximum Extent of Glaciations p. 233-240. [book contribution]
  • Åström, E., Bluhm, B., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2022). Chemosynthetic and photosynthetic trophic support from cold seeps in Arctic benthic communities. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 (910558) p. 1-19.






  • Andreassen, K., Hubbard, A. L., Winsborrow, M., Patton, H., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Plaza-Faverola, A., Gudlaugsson, E., Serov, P., Deryabin, A., Mattingsdal, R., Mienert, J., & Bünz, S. (2017). Massive blow-out craters formed by hydrate-controlled methane expulsion from the Arctic seafloor. Science, 356 (6341) p. 948-953.
  • Arneborg, L., Jansson, P., Staalstrøm, A., & Broström, G. (2017). Tidal energy loss, internal tide radiation, and local dissipation for two-layer tidal flow over a sill. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 47 (7) p. 1521-1538.
  • Bjarnadóttir, L. R., Winsborrow, M., & Andreassen, K. (2017). Large subglacial meltwater features in the central Barents Sea. Geology, 45 (2) p. 159-162.
  • Brankovits, D., Pohlman, J., Niemann, H., Leigh, M. B., Leewis, M. C., Beker, K. W., Iliffe, T. M., Alvarez, F., Lehmann, M. F., & Phillips, B. (2017). Methane- and dissolved organic carbon-fueled microbial loop supports a tropical subterranean estuary ecosystem. Nature Communications, 8 (1835) p. 1-12.
  • Chand, S., Cremiere, A., Lepland, A., Thorsnes, T., Brunstad, H., & Stoddart, D. (2017). Long-term fluid expulsion revealed by carbonate crusts and pockmarks connected to subsurface gas anomalies and palaeo-channels in the central North Sea. Geo-Marine Letters, 37 (3) p. 215-227.
  • Chen, N.-C., Yang, T. F., Hong, W.-L., Chen, H.-W., Chen, H.-C., Hu, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., Lin, S., Lin, L.-H., Su, C.-C., Liao, W.-Z., Sun, C.-H., Wang, P.-L., Yang, T., Jiang, S.-Y., Liu, C.-S., Wang, Y., & Chung, S.-H. (2017). Production, consumption, and migration of methane in accretionary prism of southwestern Taiwan. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (8) p. 2970-2989.
  • Cremiere, A., Strauss, H., Sebilo, M., Hong, W.-L., Gros, O., Schmidt, S., Tocny, J., Henry, F., Gontharet, S., & Laverman, A. M. (2017). Sulfur diagenesis under rapid accumulation of organic-rich sediments in a marine mangrove from Guadeloupe (French West Indies). Chemical Geology, 454 p. 67-69.
  • Dijkstra, N., Junttila, J., Skirbekk, K., Carroll, J., Husum, K., & Hald, M. (2017). Benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of chemical and physical stressors in Hammerfest harbor (Northern Norway). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 114 (1) p. 384-396.
  • Esteves, M. d. S. R., Bjarnadottir, L. R., Winsborrow, M., Shackleton, C., & Andreassen, K. (2017). Retreat patterns and dynamics of the Sentralbankrenna glacial system, central Barents Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169 p. 131-147.
  • Ezat, M., Rasmussen, T. L., Honisch, B., Groeneveld, J., & deMenocal, P. (2017). Episodic release of CO2 from the high-latitude North Atlantic Ocean during the last 135 kyr. Nature Communications, 8 (14498) p. 1-10.
  • Ezat, M., Rasmussen, T. L., Thornalley, D. J. R., Olsen, J., Skinner, L. C., Hönisch, B., & Groeneveld, J. (2017). Ventilation history of Nordic Seas overflows during the last (de)glacial period revealed by species-specific benthic foraminiferal 14C dates. Paleoceanography, 32 (2) p. 172-181.
  • Faust, J. C., Scheiber, T., Fabian, K., Vogt, C., & Knies, J. (2017). Geochemical characterisation of northern Norwegian fjord surface sediments: A baseline for further paleo-environmental investigations. Continental Shelf Research, 148 p. 104-115.
  • Franek, P., Plaza-Faverola, A., Mienert, J., Bünz, S., Ferré, B., & Hubbard, A. L. (2017). Microseismicity linked to gas migration and leakage on the western Svalbard shelf. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (12) p. 4623-4645.
  • Fredin, O., Viola, G., Zwingmann, H., Sørlie, R., Brönner, M., Lie, J.-E., Grandal, E. M., Müller, A., Margreth, A., Vogt, C., & Knies, J. (2017). Correspondence: Reply to ‘Challenges with dating weathering products to unravel ancient landscapes’. Nature Communications, 8 (1503) p. 1-3.
  • Fredin, O., Viola, G., Zwingmann, H., Sørlie, R., Brönner, M., Lie, J.-E., Grandal, E. M., Müller, A. B., Margreth, A., Vogt, C., & Knies, J. (2017). The inheritance of a Mesozoic landscape in western Scandinavia. Nature Communications, 8 (14879) p. 1-11.
  • Goswami, B. K., Weitemeyer, K. A., Bünz, S., Minshull, T. A., Westbrook, G. K., Ker, S., & Sinha, M. C. (2017). Variations in pockmark composition at the Vestnesa Ridge: Insights from marine controlled source electromagnetic and seismic data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18 (3) p. 1111-1125.
  • Gudlaugsson, E., Humbert, A., Andreassen, K., Clason, C. C., Kleiner, T., & Beyer, S. (2017). Eurasian ice-sheet dynamics and sensitivity to subglacial hydrology. Journal of Glaciology, 63 (239) p. 556-564.
  • Hansen, J., Hoff, U., Sztybor, K., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2017). Taxonomy and palaeoecology of two Late Pleistocene species of Vesicomyid bivalves from cold methane seeps at Svalbard (79°N). Journal of molluscan studies, 83 (3) p. 270-279.
  • Hong, W.-L., Torres, M. E., Carroll, J., Cremiere, A., Panieri, G., Yao, H., & Serov, P. (2017). Seepage from an arctic shallow marine gas hydrate reservoir is insensitive to momentary ocean warming. Nature Communications, 8 (15745) p. 1-13.
  • Irvine-Fynn, T. D. L., Porter, P. R., Rowan, A. V., Quincey, D. J., Gibson, M. J., Bridge, J. W., Watson, C. S., Hubbard, A. L., & Glasser, N. F. (2017). Supraglacial ponds regulate runoff from Himalayan debris-covered glaciers. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (23) p. 11894-11904.
  • Knies, J., Pathirana, I. D., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Banica, A., Fabian, K., Rasmussen, T. L., Forwick, M., & Belt, S. T. (2017). Sea-ice dynamics in an Arctic coastal polynya during the past 6500 years. Arktos, 3 (1) p. 1-15.
  • Krause, S., Niemann, H., & Treude, T. (2017). Methane seeps in a changing climate. Life at Vents and Seeps, p. 1-32. [book contribution]
  • Kremer, K., Usman, M., Satoguchi, Y., Nagahashi, Y., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Panieri, G., & Strasser, M. (2017). Possible climate preconditioning on submarine landslides along a convergent margin, Nankai Trough (NE Pacific). Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 4 (20) p. 1-13.
  • Ktenas, D., Henriksen, E., Meisingset, I., Nielsen, J. K., & Andreassen, K. (2017). Quantification of the magnitude of net erosion in the southwest Barents Sea using sonic velocities and compaction trends in shales and sandstones. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 88 p. 826-844.
  • Kulessa, B., Hubbard, A. L., Booth, A. D., Bougamont, M., Dow, C. F., Doyle, S. H., Christoffersen, P., Lindbäck, K., Pettersson, R., Fitzpatrick, A. A. W., & Jones, G. A. (2017). Seismic evidence for complex sedimentary control of Greenland Ice Sheet flow. Science Advances, 3 (8) p. 1-8.
  • López, J. L., Golemba, M., Hernández, E., Lozada, M., Dionisi, H. M., Jansson, J., Carroll, J., Lundgren, L., Sjöling, S., & Mac Cormack, W. P. (2017). Microbial and viral-like rhodopsins present in coastal marine sediments from four polar and subpolar regions. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 93 (1) p. 1-9.
  • Morlighem, M., Williams, C. N., Rignot, E., An, L., Arndt, J. E., Bamber, J. L., Catania, G., Chauche, N., Dowdeswell, J. A., Dorschel, B., Fenty, I., Hogan, K., Howat, I., Hubbard, A. L., Jakobsson, M., Jordan, T. M., Kjeldsen, K. K., Millan, R., Mayer, L., Mouginot, J., Noël, B. P. Y., Cofaigh, C. O., Palmer, S., Rysgaard, S., Seroussi, H., Siegert, M. J., Slabon, P., Straneo, F., van den Broeke, M. R., Weinrebe, W., Wood, M., & Zinglersen, K. B. (2017). BedMachine v3: Complete bed topography and ocean bathymetry mapping of Greenland from multi-beam echo sounding combined with mass conservation. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (21) p. 11051-11061.
  • Nazarova, L., Bleibtreu, A., Hoff, U., Dirksen, V., & Diekmann, B. (2017). Changes in temperature and water depth of a small mountain lake during the past 3000 years in Central Kamchatka reflected by a chironomid record. Quaternary International, 447 p. 46-58.
  • Osti, G., Franek, P., Forwick, M., & Laberg, J. S. (2017). Controlling factors for slope instability in a seismically active region: The NW-Svalbard continental margin. Marine Geology, 390 p. 131-146.
  • Panieri, G., Bünz, S., Fornari, D. J., Escartin, J., Serov, P., Jansson, P., Torres, M. E., Johnson, J. E., Hong, W.-L., Sauer, S., Garcia, R., & Gracias, N. (2017). An integrated view of the methane system in the pockmarks at Vestnesa Ridge, 79°N. Marine Geology, 390 p. 282-300.
  • Panieri, G., Lepland, A., Whitehouse, M. J., Wirth, R., Raanes, M. P., James, R. H., Graves, C., Cremiere, A., & Schneider, A. (2017). Diagenetic Mg-calcite overgrowths on foraminiferal tests in the vicinity of methane seeps. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 458 p. 203-212.
  • Patton, H., Hubbard, A. L., Andreassen, K., Auriac, A., Whitehouse, P. L., Stroeven, A. P., Shackleton, C., Winsborrow, M., Heyman, J., & Hall, A. M. (2017). Deglaciation of the Eurasian ice sheet complex. Quaternary Science Reviews, 169 p. 148-172.
  • Patton, H., Hubbard, A. L., Bradwell, T., & Schomacker, A. (2017). The configuration, sensitivity and rapid retreat of the Late Weichselian Icelandic ice sheet. Earth-Science Reviews, 166 p. 223-245.
  • Plaza-Faverola, A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Hong, W.-L., Mienert, J., Bünz, S., Chand, S., & Greinert, J. (2017). Bottom-simulating reflector dynamics at Arctic thermogenic gas provinces: an example from Vestnesa Ridge, offshore west-Svalbard. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122 (6) p. 4089-4105.
  • Pohlman, J., Greinert, J., Ruppel, C., Silyakova, A., Vielstadte, L., Casso, M., Mienert, J., & Bünz, S. (2017). Enhanced CO2 uptake at a shallow Arctic Ocean seep field overwhelms the positive warming potential of emitted methane. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (21) p. 5355-5360.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., & Thomsen, E. (2017). Ecology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera in the North Atlantic during the last glaciation: food or temperature control. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 472 p. 15-32.
  • Ryan, J. C., Hubbard, A. L., Box, J. E., Brough, S., Cameron, K., Cook, J. M., Cooper, M., Doyle, S. H., Edwards, A., Holt, T., Irvine-Fynn, T., Jones, C., Pitcher, L. H., Rennermalm, Å. K., Smith, L. C., Stibal, M., & Snooke, N. (2017). Derivation of High Spatial Resolution Albedo from UAV Digital Imagery: Application over the Greenland Ice Sheet. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5 p. 1-13.
  • Ryan, J. C., Hubbard, A. L., Irvine-Fynn, T., Doyle, S. H., Cook, J. M., Stibal, M., & Box, J. E. (2017). How robust are in-situ observations for validating satellite-derived albedo over the dark zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet? Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (12) p. 6218-6225.
  • Rüther, D. C., Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K., & Forwick, M. (2017). Grounding line proximal sediment characteristics at a marine-based, late-stage ice stream margin. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32 (4) p. 463-474.
  • Safronova, P., Laberg, J. S., Andreassen, K., Shlykova, V., Vorren, T. O., & Chernikov, S. (2017). Late Pliocene–early Pleistocene deep-sea basin sedimentation at high-latitudes: mega-scale submarine slides of the north-western Barents Sea margin prior to the shelf-edge glaciations. Basin Research, 29 (S1) p. 537-555.
  • Sauer, S., Cremiere, A., Knies, J., Lepland, A., Sahy, D., Martma, T., Noble, S. R., Schönenbergerb, J., Klug, M., & Schubert, C. J. (2017). U-Th chronology and formation controls of methane-derived authigenic carbonates from the Hola trough seep area, northern Norway. Chemical Geology, 470 p. 164-179.
  • Schneider, A., Cremiere, A., Panieri, G., Lepland, A., & Knies, J. (2017). Diagenetic alteration of benthic foraminifera from a methane seep site on Vestnesa Ridge (NW Svalbard). Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 123 p. 22-34.
  • Serov, P., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Mienert, J., Patton, H., Portnov, A., Silyakova, A., Panieri, G., Carroll, M., Carroll, J., Andreassen, K., & Hubbard, A. (2017). Postglacial response of Arctic Ocean gas hydrates to climatic amelioration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (24) p. 6215-6220.
  • Smith, L. C., Yang, K., Pitcher, L. H., Overstreet, B. T., Chu, V. W., Rennermalm, Å. K., Ryan, J. C., Cooper, M. G., Gleason, C. J., Tedesco, M., Jeyaratnam, J., van As, D., van den Broeke, M. R., van de Berg, W. J., Noël, B., Langen, P. L., Cullather, R. I., Zhao, B., Willis, M. J., Hubbard, A. L., Box, J. E., Jenner, B. A., & Behar, A. E. (2017). Direct measurements of meltwater runoff on the Greenland ice sheet surface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (50) p. E10622-E10631.
  • Soukissian, T., Papadopoulos, A., Skrimizeas, P., Karathanasi, F., Axaopoulos, P., Avgoustoglou, E., Kyriakidou, H., Tsalis, C., Voudouri, A., Gofa, F., & Katsafados, P. (2017). Assessment of offshore wind power potential in the Aegean and Ionian Seas based on high-resolution hindcast model results. AIMS Energy, 5 (2) p. 268-289.
  • Steinle, L., Maltby, J., Treude, T., Kock, A., Bange, H. W., Engbersen, N., Zopfi, J., Lehmann, M. F., & Niemann, H. (2017). Effects of low oxygen concentrations on aerobic methane oxidation in seasonally hypoxic coastal waters. Biogeosciences, 14 (1631) p. 1631-1645.
  • Sztybor, K., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2017). Diagenetic disturbances of marine sedimentary records from methane-influenced environments in the Fram Strait as indications for variation in seep intensity during the last 35 000 years. Boreas, 46 (2) p. 212-228.
  • Sztybor, K., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2017). Late glacial and deglacial palaeoceanographic changes at Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait: Methane seep versus non-seep environments. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 476 p. 77-89.
  • Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Chand, S., & Bünz, S. (2017). The history and future trends of ocean warming-induced gas hydrate dissociation in the SW Barents Sea. Geophysical Research Letters, 44 (2) p. 835-844.
  • Vandieken, V., Niemann, H., Engelen, B., & Cypionka, H. (2017). Marinisporobacter balticus gen. nov., sp. nov., Desulfosporosinus nitroreducens sp. nov. and Desulfosporosinus fructosivorans sp. nov., new spore-forming bacteria isolated from subsurface sediments of the Baltic Sea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 67 (6) p. 1887-1893.
  • Vihtakari, M., Ambrose, W. G. J., Renaud, P., Locke V., W. L., Carroll, M. L., Berge, J., Clarke, L. J., Cottier, F. R., & Hop, H. (2017). A key to the past? Element ratios as environmental proxies in two Arctic bivalves. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 465 p. 316-332.
  • Wallhead, P., Bellerby, R., Silyakova, A., Slagstad, D., & Polukhin, A. (2017). Bottom water acidification and warming on the western Eurasian Arctic shelves: Dynamical downscaling projections. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122 (10) p. 8126-8144.
  • Weber, Y., Sinninghe Damste, J. S., Hopmans, E. C., Lehmann, M. F., & Niemann, H. (2017). Incomplete recovery of intact polar glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers from lacustrine suspended biomass. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 15 (9) p. 782-793.
  • Waage, M., Bünz, S., Plaza-Faverola, A., & Waghorn, K. A. (2017). Repeatability of P-Cable 3D seismic data. EarthDoc, 2017 cp-522-00022. [book contribution]
  • Yurganov, L. N., Leifer, I., & Vadakkepuliyambatta, S. (2017). Evidences of accelerating the increase in the concentration of methane in the atmosphere after 2014: satellite data for the Arctic. Sovremennye Problemy Distantsionnogo Zondirovaniya Zemli iz Kosmosa, 14 (5) p. 248-258.
  • Zieba, J., Omosanya, K. O., & Knies, J. (2017). A flexural isostasy model for the Pleistocene evolution of the Barents Sea bathymetry. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 97 (1) p. 1-19.
  • Åström, E., Oliver, G., & Carroll, M. L. (2017). A new genus and two new species of Thyasiridae associated with methane seeps off Svalbard, Arctic Ocean. Marine Biology Research, 13 (4) p. 402-416.


  • Alve, E., Korsun, S., Schönfeld, J., Dijkstra, N., Golikova, E., Hess, S., Husum, K., & Panieri, G. (2016). Foram-AMBI: A sensitivity index based on benthic foraminiferal faunas from North-East Atlantic and Arctic fjords, continental shelves and slopes. Marine Micropaleontology, 122 p. 1-22.
  • Andreassen, K., Bjarnadóttir, L. R., Ruther, D., & Winsborrow, M. (2016). Retreat patterns and dynamics of the former Bear Island Trough Ice Stream. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 445-452.
  • Auriac, A., Whitehouse, P. L., Bentley, M. J., Patton, H., Lloyd, J. M., & Hubbard, A. L. (2016). Glacial isostatic adjustment associated with the Barents Sea ice sheet: A modelling inter-comparison. Quaternary Science Reviews, 147 p. 122-135.
  • Best, M. M. R., Favali, P., Beranzoli, L., Blandin, J., Çağatay, N. M., Cannat, M., Danobeitia, J. J., Delory, E., de Miranda, J. M. A., Del Rio Fernandez, J., de Stigter, H., Gillooly, M., Grant, F., Hall, P. O. J., Hartman, S. E., Hernandez-Brito, J., Lanteri, N., Mienert, J., Oaie, G., Piera, J., Radulescu, V., Rolin, J.-F., Ruhl, H. A., & Waldmann, C. (2016). The EMSO-ERIC Pan-European Consortium: Data Benefits and Lessons Learned as the Legal Entity Forms. Marine Technology Society journal, 50 (3) p. 8-15.
  • Bjarnadóttir, L. R., & Andreassen, K. (2016). Ice-stream landform assemblage in Kveithola, western Barents Sea margin. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 325-328.
  • Bjarnadóttir, L. R., & Andreassen, K. (2016). Enigmatic needle-like seafloor features in the Bear Island Trough, central Barents Sea. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 187-188.
  • Boswell, R., Bünz, S., Collett, T. S., Frye, M., Fujii, T., McConnell, D., Mienert, J., Pecher, I., Reichel, T., Ryu, B.-J., Shelander, D., & Shin, K.-s. (2016). Introduction to special section: Exploration and characterization of gas hydrates. Interpretation, 4 (1) p. SAi-SAii.
  • Boulton, S. J., Smart, C. W., Consolaro, C., & Snider, A. (2016). The Miocene-Pliocene boundary and the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the easternmost Mediterranean: Insights from the Hatay Graben (Southern Turkey). Sedimentary Geology, 332 p. 51-67.
  • Brough, S., Hubbard, B., & Hubbard, A. L. (2016). Former extent of glacier-like forms on Mars. Icarus (New York, N.Y. 1962), 274 p. 37-49.
  • Chauhan, T., Noormets, R., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2016). Glaciomarine sedimentation and bottom current activity on the north-western and northern continental margin of Svalbard during the late Quaternary. Geo-Marine Letters, 36 (2) p. 81-99.
  • Chauhan, T., Rasmussen, T. L., & Noormets, R. (2016). Palaeoceanography of the Barents Sea continental margin, north of Nordaustlandet, Svalbard, during the last 74 ka. Boreas, 45 (1) p. 76-99.
  • Chen, M., Kim, J.-H., Nam, S.-I., Niessen, F., Hong, W.-L., Kang, M.-H., & Hur, J. (2016). Production of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in Arctic Ocean sediments. Scientific Reports, 6:39213 p. 1-10.
  • Church, N. S., Fabian, K., & McEnroe, S. (2016). Nonlinear Preisach maps: Detecting and characterizing separate remanent magnetic fractions in complex natural samples. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121 (12) p. 8373-8395.
  • Cremiere, A., Lepland, A., Chand, S., Sahy, D., Condon, D. J., Noble, S. R., Martma, T., Thorsnes, T., Sauer, S., & Brunstad, H. (2016). Timescales of methane seepage on the Norwegian margin following collapse of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet. Nature Communications, 7 (11509) p. 1-10.
  • Cremiere, A., Lepland, A., Chand, S., Sahy, D., Kirsimäe, K., Bau, M., Whitehouse, M. J., Noble, S. R., Martma, T., Thorsnes, T., & Brunstad, H. (2016). Fluid source and methane-related diagenetic processes recorded in cold seep carbonates from the Alvheim channel, central North Sea. Chemical Geology, 432 p. 16-33.
  • Ezat, M., Rasmussen, T. L., & Groeneveld, J. (2016). Reconstruction of hydrographic changes in the southern Norwegian Sea during the past 135 kyr and the impact of different foraminiferal Mg/Ca cleaning protocols. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (8) p. 3240-3436.
  • Faust, J. C., Fabian, K., Milzer, G., Giraudeau, J., & Knies, J. (2016). Norwegian fjord sediments reveal NAO related Winter temperature and precipitation changes of the past 2800 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 435 p. 84-93.
  • Geissler, W. H., Gebhardt, C., Gross, F., Wollenburg, J., Jensen, L., Schmidt-Aursch, M., Krastel, S., Elger, J., & Osti, G. (2016). Arctic megaslide at presumed rest. Scientific Reports, 6:38529 p. 1-8.
  • Ghisetti, F. C., Barnes, P. M., Ellis, S., Plaza-Faverola, A., & Barker, D. H. N. (2016). The last 2 Myr of accretionary wedge construction in the central Hikurangi margin (North Island, New Zealand): Insights from structural modeling. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (7) p. 2661-2686.
  • Grasby, S. E., Beauchamp, B., & Knies, J. (2016). Early Triassic productivity crises delayed recovery from world’s worst mass extinction. Geology, 44 (9) p. 779-782.
  • Gudlaugsson, E., Humbert, A., Kleiner, T., Kohler, J., & Andreassen, K. (2016). The influence of a model subglacial lake on ice dynamics and internal layering. The Cryosphere, 10 (2) p. 751-760.
  • Hoff, U., Rasmussen, T. L., Stein, R., Ezat, M., & Fahl, K. (2016). Sea ice and millennial-scale climate variability in the Nordic seas 90 kyr ago to present. Nature Communications, 7 (12247) p. 1-10.
  • Hogan, K. A., Vanneste, M., Dowdeswell, J. A., & Mienert, J. (2016). Geomorphology of the huge Hinlopen–Yermak landslide on the northern Svalbard margin. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 415-416.
  • Hong, W.-L., Sauer, S., Panieri, G., Ambrose, W., James, R., Plaza-Faverola, A., & Schneider, A. (2016). Removal of methane through hydrological, microbial, and geochemical processes in the shallow sediments of pockmarks along eastern Vestnesa Ridge (Svalbard). Limnology and Oceanography, 61 (S1) p. S324–S343.
  • James, R., Bousquet, P., Bussmann, I., Haeckel, M., Kipfer, R., Leifer, I., Niemann, H., Ostrovsky, I., Piskozub, J., Rehder, G., Treude, T., Vielstadte, L., & Greinert, J. (2016). Effects of climate change on methane emissions from seafloor sediments in the Arctic Ocean: A review. Limnology and Oceanography, 61 (S1) p. S283–S299.
  • Joosu, L., Lepland, A., Kreitsmann, T., Upraus, K., Roberts, N. M. W., Paiste, P., Martin, A. P., & Kirsimäe, K. (2016). Petrography and the REE-composition of apatite in the Paleoproterozoic Pilgujärvi Sedimentary Formation, Pechenga Greenstone Belt, Russia. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 186 p. 135-153.
  • Kim, J.-H., Torres, M. E., Haley, B. A., Ryu, J.-S., Park, M.-H., Hong, W.-L., & Choi, J. (2016). Marine silicate weathering in the anoxic sediment of the Ulleung Basin: Evidence and consequences. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (8) p. 3437-3453.
  • Koch, S., Schroeder, H., Haeckel, M., Berndt, C., Bialas, J., Papenberg, C., Klaeschen, D., & Plaza-Faverola, A. (2016). Gas migration through Opouawe Bank at the Hikurangi margin offshore New Zealand. Geo-Marine Letters, 36 (3) p. 187-196.
  • Matos, M. N., Lozada, M., Anselmino, L. E., Musumeci, M. A., Henrissat, B., Jansson, J. K., Mac Cormack, W. P., Carroll, J., Sjöling, S., Lundgren, L., & Dionisi, H. M. (2016). Metagenomics unveils the attributes of the alginolytic guilds of sediments from four distant cold coastal environments. Environmental Microbiology, 18 (12) p. 4471-4484.
  • Mienert, J., & Bünz, S. (2016). Bottom Simulating Seismic Reflectors (BSR). Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences, p. 62-67. [book contribution]
  • Mikkelsen, A. B., Hubbard, A. L., MacFerrin, M., Box, J. E., Doyle, S. H., Fitzpatrick, A., Hasholt, B., Bailey, H. L., Lindbäck, K., & Pettersson, R. (2016). Extraordinary runoff from the Greenland ice sheet in 2012 amplified by hypsometry and depleted firn retention. The Cryosphere, 10 (3) p. 1147-1159.
  • Milzer, G., Giraudeau, J., Ruhlemann, C., Faust, J., Knies, J., & Schmidt, S. (2016). Benthic stable isotope variability in the Trondheimsfjord during the last 50 years: Proxy records of mixing dynamics related to NAO. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 172 p. 34-46.
  • Mullender, T. A. T., Frederichs, T., Hilgenfeldt, C., de Groot, L. V., Fabian, K., & Dekkers, M. J. (2016). Automated paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data acquisition with an in-line horizontal ‘‘2G’’ system. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (9) p. 3456-3559.
  • Myhre, C. L., Ferré, B., Platt, S. M., Silyakova, A., Hermansen, O., Allen, G., Pisso, I., Schmidbauer, N., Stohl, A., Pitt, J., Jansson, P., Greinert, J., Percival, C., Fjaeraa, A. M., O’Shea, S., Gallagher, M., Le Breton, M., Bower, K., Bauguitte, S., Dalsøren, S., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Fisher, R. E., Nisbet, E. G., Lowry, D., Myre, G., Pyle, J., Cain, M., & Mienert, J. (2016). Extensive release of methane from Arctic seabed west of Svalbard during summer 2014 does not influence the atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (9) p. 4624-4631.
  • Panieri, G., Graves, C., & James, R. (2016). Paleo-methane emissions recorded in foraminifera near the landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone offshore western Svalbard. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (2) p. 521-537.
  • Patton, H., Hubbard, A. L., Andreassen, K., Winsborrow, M., & Stroeven, A. P. (2016). The build-up, configuration, and dynamical sensitivity of the Eurasian ice-sheet complex to Late Weichselian climatic and oceanic forcing. Quaternary Science Reviews, 153 p. 97-121.
  • Patton, H., Swift, D. A., Clark, C. D., Livingstone, S. J., & Cook, S. J. (2016). Distribution and characteristics of overdeepenings beneath the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets: Implications for overdeepening origin and evolution. Quaternary Science Reviews, 148 p. 128-145.
  • Peszynska, M., Hong, W.-L., Torres, M. E., & Kim, J.-H. (2016). Methane Hydrate Formation in Ulleung Basin Under Conditions of Variable Salinity: Reduced Model and Experiments. Transport in Porous Media, 114 (1) p. 1-27.
  • Peszynska, M., Medina, F. P., Hong, W.-L., & Torres, M. (2016). Reduced Numerical Model for Methane Hydrate Formation under Conditions of Variable Salinity. Time-Stepping Variants and Sensitivity. Computation, 4 (1) p. 1-19.
  • Piasecka, E. D., Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K., & Stokes, C. R. (2016). Reconstructing the retreat dynamics of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream based on new 3D seismic data from the central Barents Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 151 p. 212-227.
  • Pisso, I., Myhre, C. L., Platt, S. M., Eckhardt, S., Hermansen, O., Schmidbauer, N., Mienert, J., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Bauguitte, S., Pitt, J., Allen, G., Bower, K. N., O'Shea, S., Gallagher, M. W., Percival, C. J., Pyle, J., Cain, M., & Stohl, A. (2016). Constraints on oceanic methane emissions west of Svalbard from atmospheric in situ measurements and Lagrangian transport modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 121 (23) p. 14,188-14,200.
  • Plaza-Faverola, A., Henrys, S., Pecher, I., Wallace, L., & Klaeschen, D. (2016). Splay fault branching from the Hikurangi subduction shear zone: Implications for slow slip and fluid flow. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (12) p. 5009-5023.
  • Portnov, A. D., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Mienert, J., & Hubbard, A. L. (2016). Ice-sheet-driven methane storage and release in the Arctic. Nature Communications, 7 (10314) p. 1-7.
  • Pusceddu, A., Carugati, L., Gambi, C., Mienert, J., Petani, B., Sanchez-Vidal, A., Canals, M., Heussner, S., & Danovaro, R. (2016). Organic matter pools, C turnover and meiofaunal biodiversity in the sediments of the western Spitsbergen deep continental margin, Svalbard Archipelago. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 107 p. 48-58.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., Thomsen, E., & Moros, M. (2016). North Atlantic warming during Dansgaard-Oeschger events synchronous with Antarctic warming and out-of-phase with Greenland climate. Scientific Reports, 6:20535 p. 1-12.
  • Rebesco, M., Özmaral, A., Urgeles, R., Accettella, D., Lucchi, R. G., Ruther, D., Winsborrow, M., Llopart, J., Caburlotto, A., Lantzsch, H., & Hanebuth, T. (2016). Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea). Quaternary Science Reviews, 147 p. 178-193.
  • Ruther, D., Andreassen, K., & Spagnolo, M. (2016). Aligned glacitectonic rafts on the floor of the central Barents Sea. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 189-190.
  • Sauer, S., Hong, W.-L., Knies, J., Lepland, A., Forwick, M., Klug, M., Eichinger, F., Baranwal, S., Cremiere, A., Chand, S., & Schubert, C. J. (2016). Sources and turnover of organic carbon and methane in fjord and shelf sediments off Northern Norway. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (10) p. 4011-4031.
  • Schneider, A., Wetterich, S., Schirrmeister, L., Herzschuh, U., Meyer, H., & Pestryakova, L. A. (2016). Freshwater ostracods (Crustacea) and environmental variability of polygon ponds in the tundra of the Indigirka Lowland, north-east Siberia. Polar Research, 35 (25225) p. 1-22.
  • Singhroha, S., Bünz, S., Plaza-Faverola, A., & Chand, S. (2016). Gas hydrate and free gas detection using seismic quality factor estimates from high-resolution P-cable 3D seismic data. Interpretation, 4 (1) p. 39-54.
  • Steinle, L., Schmidt, M., Bryant, L., Haeckel, M., Linke, P., Sommer, S., Zopfi, J., Lehmann, M. F., Treude, T., & Niemann, H. (2016). Linked sediment and water-column methanotrophy at a man-made gas blowout in the North Sea: Implications for methane budgeting in seasonally stratified shallow seas. Limnology and Oceanography, 61 (S1) p. S367-S386.
  • Tasianas, A., Bünz, S., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., & Mienert, J. (2016). Buried subglacial landforms in the SW Barents Sea imaged using high-resolution P-Cable seismic data. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 183-184.
  • Tasianas, A., Mahl, L., Darcis, M., Bünz, S., & Class, H. (2016). Simulating seismic chimney structures as potential vertical migration pathways for CO2 in the Snøhvit area, SW Barents Sea: model challenges and outcomes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (504) p. 1-20.
  • Tasianas, A., Martens, I., Bünz, S., & Mienert, J. (2016). Mechanisms initiating fluid migration at Snøhvit and Albatross fields, Barents Sea. Arktos, 2 (26) p. 1-18.
  • Teschner, C., Frank, M., Haley, B. A., & Knies, J. (2016). Plio-Pleistocene evolution of water mass exchange and erosional input at the Atlantic-Arctic gateway. Paleoceanography, 31 (5) p. 582-599.
  • Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Bünz, S., Tasianas, A., & Mienert, J. (2016). Iceberg ploughmarks in the SW Barents Sea imaged using high-resolution P-Cable 3D seismic data. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 46 (1) p. 281-282.
  • van Haren, H., & Greinert, J. (2016). Turbulent high-latitude oceanic intrusions—details of non-smooth apparent isopycnal transport West of Svalbard. Ocean Dynamics, 66 (6-7) p. 785-794.
  • Viola, G., Scheiber, T., Fredin, O., Zwingmann, H., Margreth, A., & Knies, J. (2016). Deconvoluting complex structural histories archived in brittle fault zones. Nature Communications, 7 (13448) p. 1-10.
  • Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K., Hubbard, A. L., Plaza-Faverola, A., Gudlaugsson, E., & Patton, H. (2016). Regulation of ice stream flow through sublacial formation of gas hydrates. Nature Geoscience, 9 (5) p. 370-374.
  • Zieba, K. J., Felix, M., & Knies, J. (2016). The Pleistocene contribution to the net erosion and sedimentary conditions in the outer Bear Island Trough, western Barents Sea. Arktos, 2 (23) p. 1-17.
  • Åström, E., Carroll, M. L., Ambrose, W., & Carroll, J. (2016). Arctic cold seeps in marine methane hydrate environments: impacts on shelf macrobenthic community structure offshore Svalbard. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 552 p. 1-18.


  • Ambrose, W. G., Panieri, G., Schneider, A., Plaza-Faverola, A., Carroll, M. L., Åström, E. K. L., Locke, W. L., & Carroll, J. (2015). Bivalve shell horizons in seafloor pockmarks of the last glacial-interglacial transition suggest a 1000 years of methane emissions in the Arctic Ocean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16 (12) p. 4108-4129.
  • Belt, S. T., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Smik, L., Navarro-Rodriguez, A., Berben, S. M. P., Knies, J., & Husum, K. (2015). Identification of paleo Arctic winter sea ice limits and the marginal ice zone: Optimised biomarker-based reconstructions of late Quaternary Arctic sea ice. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 431 p. 127-139.
  • Bøe, R., Skarðhamar, J., Rise, L., Dolan, M. F. J., Bellec, V. K., Winsborrow, M., Skagseth, Ø., Knies, J., King, E. L., Walderhaug, O., Chand, S., Buenz, S., & Mienert, J. (2015). Sandwaves and sand transport on the Barents Sea continental slope offshore northern Norway. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 60 p. 34-53.
  • Carrasco-Navarro, V., Jæger, I., Honkanen, J. O., Kukkonen, J. V. K., Carroll, J., & Camus, L. (2015). Bioconcentration, biotransformation and elimination of pyrene in the arctic crustacean Gammarus setosus (Amphipoda) at two temperatures. Marine Environmental Research, 110 p. 101-109.
  • Charalampidis, C., van As, D., Box, J. E., van den Broeke, M. R., Colgan, W. T., Doyle, S. H., Hubbard, A. L., MacFerrin, M., Machguth, H., & Smeets, C. J. P. P. (2015). Changing surface–atmosphere energy exchange and refreezing capacity of the lower accumulation area, West Greenland. The Cryosphere, 9 (6) p. 2163-2181.
  • Consolaro, C., Rasmussen, T. L., Panieri, G., Mienert, J., Bünz, S., & Sztybor, K. (2015). Carbon isotope (δ13C) excursions suggest times of major methane release during the last 14 kyr in Fram Strait, the deep-water gateway to the Arctic. Climate of the Past, 11 (4) p. 669-685.
  • Cook, J., Edwards, A., & Hubbard, A. L. (2015). Biocryomorphology: integrating microbial processes with ice surface hydrology, topography and roughness. Frontiers in Earth Science, 3 (78) p. 1-6.
  • Dijkstra, N., Junttila, J., Husum, K., Carroll, J., & Hald, M. (2015). Natural variability of benthic foraminiferal assemblages and metal concentrations during the last 150 years in the Ingøydjupet trough, SW Barents Sea. Marine Micropaleontology, 121 p. 16-31.
  • Donda, F., Forlin, E., Gordini, E., Panieri, G., Buenz, S., Volpi, V., Civile, D., & De Santis, L. (2015). Deep-sourced gas seepage and methane-derived carbonates in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Basin Research, 27 (4) p. 531-545.
  • Doyle, S. H., Hubbard, A., van de Wal, R. S. W., Box, J. E., van As, D., Scharrer, K., Meierbachtol, T. W., Smeets, P. C. J. P., Harper, J. T., Johansson, E., Mottram, R. H., Mikkelsen, A. B., Wilhelms, F., Patton, H., Christoffersen, P., & Hubbard, B. (2015). Amplified melt and flow of the Greenland ice sheet driven by late-summer cyclonic rainfall. Nature Geoscience, 8 (8) p. 647-653.
  • Findlay, H. S., Gibson, G., Kędra, M., Morata, N., Orchowska, M., Pavlov, A. K., Reigstad, M., Silyakova, A., Tremblay, J.-É., Walczowski, W., Weydmann, A., & Logvinova, C. (2015). Responses in Arctic marine carbon cycle processes: conceptual scenarios and implications for ecosystem function. Polar Research, 34 (1) p. 1-28.
  • Forwick, M., Laberg, J. S., Hass, H. C., & Osti, G. (2015). The Kongsfjorden Channel System offshore NW Svalbard: downslope sedimentary processes in a contour-current dominated setting. Arktos, 1 (17) p. 1-16.
  • Griggs, A. J., Davies, S. M., Abbott, P. M., Coleman, M., Palmer, A. P., Rasmussen, T. L., & Johnston, R. (2015). Visualizing tephra deposits and sedimentary processes in the marine environment: the potential of X-ray microtomography. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16 (12) p. 4329-4343.
  • Gründger, F., Jiménez, N., Thielemann, T., Straaten, N., Lüders, T., Richnow, H. H., & Krüger, M. (2015). Microbial methane formation in deep aquifers of a coal-bearing sedimentary basin, Germany. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6 (1-17) p. 200.
  • Jensen, H. K. B., Boitsov, S., Sværen, I., Finne, T. E., Thorsnes, T., Knies, J., Klungsøyr, J., & Heldal, H. E. (2015). Environmental threats - pollution and physical impacts: Pollution. The Norwegian sea floor: new knowledge from MAREANO for ecosystem-based management, 10.1 p. 145-149. [book contribution]
  • Jessen, S. P., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2015). Sortable silt cycles in Svalbard slope sediments 74–0 ka. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30 (8) p. 743-753.
  • Johnson, J. E., Mienert, J., Plaza-Faverola, A., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Knies, J., Bünz, S., Andreassen, K., & Ferré, B. (2015). Abiotic methane from ultraslow-spreading ridges can charge Arctic gas hydrates. Geology, 43 (5) p. 371-374.
  • Joosu, L., Lepland, A., Kirsimäe, K., Romashkin, A. E., Roberts, N. M. W., Martin, A. P., & Črne, A. E. (2015). The REE-composition and petrography of apatite in 2 Ga Zaonega Formation, Russia: The environmental setting for phosphogenesis. Chemical Geology, 395 p. 88-107.
  • Junttila, J., Carroll, J., & Dijkstra, N. (2015). Variability of present and past PAH concentrations in sediments of the SW Barents Sea. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift, 95 (2) p. 191-210.
  • Koukuzas, N., Tasianas, A., Gemeni, V., Alexopoulos, D., & Vasilatos, C. (2015). Geological modelling for investigating CO2 emissions in Florina Basin, Greece. Open Geosciences, 7 (1) p. 465-489.
  • Kroeger, K. F., Plaza-Faverola, A., Barnes, P. M., & Pecher, I. A. (2015). Thermal evolution of the New Zealand Hikurangi subduction margin: Impact on natural gas generation and methane hydrate formation – A model study. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 63 p. 97-114.
  • Lindbäck, K., Pettersson, R., Hubbard, A. L., Doyle, S. H., van As, D., Mikkelsen, A. B., & Fitzpatrick, A. A. (2015). Subglacial water drainage, storage, and piracy beneath the Greenland ice sheet. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (18) p. 7606-7614.
  • Martin, A. P., Prave, A. R., Condon, D. J., Lepland, A., Fallick, A. E., Romashkin, A. E., Medvedev, P. V., & Rychanchik, D. V. (2015). Multiple Palaeoproterozoic carbon burial episodes and excursions. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 424 p. 226-236.
  • Pathirana, I., Knies, J., Felix, M., Mann, U., & Ellingsen, I. (2015). Middle to late Holocene paleoproductivity reconstructions for the western Barents Sea: a model-data comparison. Arktos, 1 (20) p. 1-17.
  • Patton, H., Andreassen, K., Bjarnadóttir, L. R., Dowdeswell, J. A., Winsborrow, M. C. M., Noormets, R., Polyak, L., Auriac, A., & Hubbard, A. (2015). Geophysical constraints on the dynamics and retreat of the Barents Sea ice sheet as a paleobenchmark for models of marine ice sheet deglaciation. Reviews of Geophysics, 53 (4) p. 1051-1098.
  • Patton, H., Swift, D. A., Clark, C. D., Livingstone, S. J., Cook, S. J., & Hubbard, A. (2015). Automated mapping of glacial overdeepenings beneath contemporary ice sheets: Approaches and potential applications. Geomorphology, 232 p. 209-223.
  • Plaza-Faverola, A., Bünz, S., Johnson, J. E., Chand, S., Knies, J., Mienert, J., & Franek, P. (2015). Role of tectonic stress in seepage evolution along the gas hydrate-charged Vestnesa Ridge, Fram Strait. Geophysical Research Letters, 42 (3) p. 733-742.
  • Polonia, A., Romano, S., Çağatay, M. N., Capotondi, L., Gasparotto, G., Gasperini, L., Panieri, G., & Torelli, L. (2015). Are repetitive slumpings during sapropel S1 related to paleo-earthquakes? Marine Geology, 361 p. 41-52.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., & Thomsen, E. (2015). Palaeoceanographic development in Storfjorden, Svalbard, during the deglaciation and Holocene: evidence from benthic foraminiferal records. Boreas, 44 (1) p. 24-44.
  • Rekant, P., Bauch, H. A., Schwenk, T., Portnov, A. D., Gusev, E., Spiess, R., Cherckashov, G., & Kassens, H. (2015). Evolution of subsea permafrost landscapes in Arctic Siberia since the Late Pleistocene: a synoptic insight from acoustic data of the Laptev Sea. Arktos, 1 (11) p. 1-15.
  • Ryan, J. C., Hubbard, A. L., Box, J. E., Todd, J., Christoffersen, P., Carr, J. R., Holt, T. O., & Snooke, N. (2015). UAV photogrammetry and structure from motion to assess calving dynamics at Store Glacier, a large outlet draining the Greenland ice sheet. The Cryosphere, 9 (1) p. 1-11.
  • Sanchez-Vidal, A., Veres, O., Langone, L., Ferré, B., Calafat, A., Canals, M., Durrieu de Madron, X., Heussner, S., Mienert, J., Grimalt, J. O., Pusceddu, A., & Danovaro, R. (2015). Particle sources and downward fluxes in the eastern Fram strait under the influence of the west Spitsbergen current. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 103 p. 49-63.
  • Sauer, S., Knies, J., Lepland, A., Chand, S., Eichinger, F., & Schubert, C. J. (2015). Hydrocarbon sources of cold seeps off the Vesterålen coast, northern Norway. Chemical Geology, 417 p. 371-382.
  • Serov, P., Portnov, A., Mienert, J., Semenov, P., & Ilatovskaya, P. (2015). Methane release from pingo-like features across the South Kara Sea shelf, an area of thawing offshore permafrost. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120 (8) p. 1515-1529.
  • Steinle, L., Graves, C. A., Treude, T., Ferre, B., Biastoch, A., Bussmann, I., Berndt, C., Krastel, S., James, R. H., Behrens, E., Boning, C. W., Greinert, J., Sapart, C.-J., Scheinert, M., Sommer, S., Lehmann, M. F., & Niemann, H. (2015). Water column methanotrophy controlled by a rapid oceanographic switch. Nature Geoscience, 8 (5) p. 378-382.
  • Streuff, K., Forwick, M., Szczuciński, W., Andreassen, K., & Ó Cofaigh, C. (2015). Submarine landform assemblages and sedimentary processes related to glacier surging in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Arktos, 1 (14) p. 1-19.
  • Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Hornbach, M. J., Bünz, S., & Phrampus, B. J. (2015). Controls on gas hydrate system evolution in a region of active fluid flow in the SW Barents Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 66, Part 4 p. 861-872.
  • Veloso, M., Greinert, J., Mienert, J., & De Batist, M. (2015). A new methodology for quantifying bubble flow rates in deep water using splitbeam echosounders: Examples from the Arctic offshore NW-Svalbard. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 13 (6) p. 267-287.


  • Abbott, P. M., Austin, W. E. N., Davies, S. M., Pearce, N. J. G., Rasmussen, T. L., Wastegård, S., & Brendryen, J. (2014). Re-evaluation and extension of the Marine Isotope Stage 5 tephrostratigraphy of the Faroe Islands region: The cryptotephra record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 409 p. 153-168.
  • Andreassen, K., Winsborrow, M. C. M., Bjarnadóttir, L. R., & Rüther, D. C. (2014). Ice stream retreat dynamics inferred from an assemblage of landforms in the northern Barents Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92 p. 246-257.
  • Berndt, C., Feseker, T., Treude, T., Krastel, S., Liebetrau, V., Niemann, H., Bertics, V. J., Dumke, I., Dünnbier, K., Ferré, B., Graves, C., Gross, F., Hissmann, K., Hühnerbach, V., Krause, S., Lieser, K., Schauer, J., & Steinle, L. (2014). Temporal Constraints on Hydrate-Controlled Methane Seepage off Svalbard. Science, 343 (6168) p. 284-287.
  • Bjarnadóttir, L. R., Winsborrow, M. C. M., & Andreassen, K. (2014). Deglaciation of the central Barents Sea. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92 p. 208-226.
  • Capron, E., Govin, A., Stone, E. J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Mulitza, S., Otto-Bliesner, B., Rasmussen, T. L., Sime, L. C., Waelbroeck, C., & Wolff, E. W. (2014). Temporal and spatial structure of multi-millennial temperature changes at high latitudes during the Last Interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews, 103 p. 116-133.
  • Carroll, M. L., Ambrose Jr, W. G., Locke V, W. L., Ryan, S. K., & Johnson, B. J. (2014). Bivalve growth rate and isotopic variability across the Barents Sea Polar Front. Journal of Marine Systems, 130 p. 167-180.
  • Chand, S., Knies, J., Baranwal, S., Jensen, H., & Klug, M. (2014). Structural and stratigraphic controls on subsurface fluid flow at the Veslemøy High, SW Barents Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57 p. 494-508.
  • Chauhan, T., Rasmussen, T. L., Noormets, R., Jakobsson, M., & Hogan, K. A. (2014). Glacial history and paleoceanography of the southern Yermak Plateau since 132 ka BP. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92 p. 155-169.
  • Črne, A. E., Melezhik, V. A., Lepland, A., Fallick, A. E., Prave, A. R., & Brasier, A. T. (2014). Petrography and geochemistry of carbonate rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation, Russia: Documentation of 13C-depleted non-primary calcite. Precambrian Research, 240 p. 79-93.
  • Davies, S. M., Abbott, P. M., Meara, R. H., Pearce, N. J. G., Austin, W. E. N., Chapman, M. R., Svensson, A., Bigler, M., Rasmussen, T. L., Rasmussen, S. O., & Farmer, E. J. (2014). A North Atlantic tephrostratigraphical framework for 130–60 ka b2k: new tephra discoveries, marine-based correlations, and future challenges. Quaternary Science Reviews, 106 p. 101-121.
  • Etiope, G., Panieri, G., Fattorini, D., Regoli, F., Vannoli, P., Italiano, F., Locritani, M., & Carmisciano, C. (2014). A thermogenic hydrocarbon seep in shallow Adriatic Sea (Italy): Gas origin, sediment contamination and benthic foraminifera. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 57 p. 283-293.
  • Ezat, M. M., Rasmussen, T. L., & Groeneveld, J. (2014). Persistent intermediate water warming during cold stadials in the southeastern Nordic seas during the past 65 k.y. Geology, 42 (8) p. 663-666.
  • Faust, J. C., Knies, J., Slagstad, T., Vogt, C., Milzer, G., & Giraudeau, J. (2014). Geochemical composition of Trondheimsfjord surface sediments: Sources and spatial variability of marine and terrigenous components. Continental Shelf Research, 88 p. 61-71.
  • Franek, P., Mienert, J., Buenz, S., & Géli, L. (2014). Character of seismic motion at a location of a gas hydrate-bearing mud volcano on the SW Barents Sea margin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119 (8) p. 6159-6177.
  • Griggs, A. J., Davies, S. M., Abbott, P. M., Rasmussen, T. L., & Palmer, A. P. (2014). Optimising the use of marine tephrochronology in the North Atlantic: a detailed investigation of the Faroe Marine Ash Zones II, III and IV. Quaternary Science Reviews, 106 p. 122-139.
  • Grøsfjeld, K., De Schepper, S., Fabian, K., Husum, K., Baranwal, S., Andreassen, K., & Knies, J. (2014). Dating and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the sediments around the Miocene/Pliocene boundary in Yermak Plateau ODP Hole 911A using marine palynology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 414 p. 382-402.
  • Jakobsson, M., Andreassen, K., Bjarnadóttir, L. R., Dove, D., Dowdeswell, J. A., England, J. H., Funder, S., Hogan, K., Ingólfsson, Ó., Jennings, A., Krog Larsen, N., Kirchner, N., Landvik, J. Y., Mayer, L., Mikkelsen, N., Möller, P., Niessen, F., Nilsson, J., O'Regan, M., Polyak, L., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N., & Stein, R. (2014). Arctic Ocean glacial history. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92 p. 40-67.
  • Junttila, J., Carroll, J., Husum, K., & Dijkstra, N. (2014). Sediment transport and deposition in the Ingøydjupet trough, SW Barents Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 76 p. 53-63.
  • King, E. L., Bøe, R., Bellec, V. K., Rise, L., Skarðhamar, J., Ferré, B., & Dolan, M. F. J. (2014). Contour current driven continental slope-situated sandwaves with effects from secondary current processes on the Barents Sea margin offshore Norway. Marine Geology, 353 p. 108-127.
  • Knies, J., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Belt, S. T., Baranwal, S., Fietz, S., & Rosell-Mele, A. (2014). The emergence of modern sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean. Nature Communications, 5 (5608) p. 1-7.
  • Knies, J., Mattingsdal, R., Fabian, K., Grøsfjeld, K., Baranwal, S., Husum, K., De Schepper, S., Vogt, C., Andersen, N., Matthiessen, J., Andreassen, K., Jokat, W., Nam, S.-I., & Gaina, C. (2014). Effect of early Pliocene uplift on late Pliocene cooling in the Arctic–Atlantic gateway. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 387 p. 132-144.
  • Lepland, A., Joosu, L., Kirsimae, K., Prave, A. R., Romashkin, A. E., Crne, A. E., Martin, A. P., Fallick, A. E., Somelar, P., Upraus, K., Mand, K., Roberts, N. M. W., van Zuilen, M. A., Wirth, R., & Schreiber, A. (2014). Potential influence of sulphur bacteria on Palaeoproterozoic phosphogenesis. Nature Geoscience, 7 (1) p. 20-24.
  • Mattingsdal, R., Knies, J., Andreassen, K., Fabian, K., Husum, K., Grøsfjeld, K., & De Schepper, S. (2014). A new 6 Myr stratigraphic framework for the Atlantic–Arctic Gateway. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92 p. 170-178.
  • Mountjoy, J. J., Pecher, I., Henrys, S., Crutchley, G., Barnes, P. M., & Plaza-Faverola, A. (2014). Shallow methane hydrate system controls ongoing, downslope sediment transport in a low-velocity active submarine landslide complex, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (11) p. 4137-4156.
  • Nielsen, T., Laier, T., Kuijpers, A., Rasmussen, T., Mikkelsen, N., & Nørgård-Pedersen, N. (2014). Fluid flow and methane occurrences in the Disko Bugt area offshore West Greenland: indications for gas hydrates? Geo-Marine Letters, 34 (6) p. 511-523.
  • Olsen, J., Rasmussen, T. L., & Reimer, P. J. (2014). North Atlantic marine radiocarbon reservoir ages through Heinrich event H4: a new method for marine age model construction. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 398 p. 95-112.
  • Panieri, G., Aharon, P., Sen Gupta, B. K., Camerlenghi, A., Ferrer, F. P., & Cacho, I. (2014). Late Holocene foraminifera of Blake Ridge diapir: Assemblage variation and stable-isotope record in gas-hydrate bearing sediments. Marine Geology, 353 p. 99-107.
  • Panieri, G., James, R. H., Camerlenghi, A., Westbrook, G. K., Consolaro, C., Cacho, I., Cesari, V., & Cervera, C. S. (2014). Record of methane emissions from the West Svalbard continental margin during the last 23,500years revealed by δ13C of benthic foraminifera. Global and Planetary Change, 122 p. 151-160.
  • Pathirana, I. D., Knies, J., Felix, M., & Mann, U. (2014). Towards an improved organic carbon budget for the western Barents Sea shelf. Climate of the Past, 10 (2) p. 569-587.
  • Pau, M., Hammer, Ø., & Chand, S. (2014). Constraints on the dynamics of pockmarks in the SW Barents Sea: Evidence from gravity coring and high-resolution, shallow seismic profiles. Marine Geology, 355 p. 330-345.
  • Pavlov, A. K., Silyakova, A., Granskog, M. A., Bellerby, R. G. J., Engel, A., Schulz, K. G., & Brussaard, C. P. D. (2014). Marine CDOM accumulation during a coastal Arctic mesocosm experiment: No response to elevated pCO2 levels. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119 (6) p. 1216-1230.
  • Plaza-Faverola, A., Pecher, I., Crutchley, G., Barnes, P. M., Bünz, S., Golding, T., Klaeschen, D., Papenberg, C., & Bialas, J. (2014). Submarine gas seepage in a mixed contractional and shear deformation regime: Cases from the Hikurangi oblique-subduction margin. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (2) p. 416-433.
  • Portnov, A., Mienert, J., & Serov, P. (2014). Modeling the evolution of climate-sensitive Arctic subsea permafrost in regions of extensive gas expulsion at the West Yamal shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 119 (11) p. 2082-2094.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., & Thomsen, E. (2014). Brine formation in relation to climate changes and ice retreat during the last 15,000 years in Storfjorden, Svalbard, 76–78°N. Paleoceanography, 29 (10) p. 911-929.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., Thomsen, E., & Nielsen, T. (2014). Water mass exchange between the Nordic seas and the Arctic Ocean on millennial timescale during MIS 4–MIS 2. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (3) p. 530-544.
  • Rasmussen, T. L., Thomsen, E., Skirbekk, K., Ślubowska-Woldengen, M., Klitgaard Kristensen, D., & Koç, N. (2014). Spatial and temporal distribution of Holocene temperature maxima in the northern Nordic seas: interplay of Atlantic-, Arctic- and polar water masses. Quaternary Science Reviews, 92 p. 280-291.
  • Safronova, P. A., Henriksen, S., Andreassen, K., Laberg, J. S., & Vorren, T. O. (2014). Evolution of shelf-margin clinoforms and deep-water fans during the middle Eocene in the Sørvestsnaget Basin, southwest Barents Sea. AAPG Bulletin, 98 (3) p. 515-544.
  • Smith, A. J., Flemings, P. B., & Fulton, P. M. (2014). Hydrocarbon flux from natural deepwater Gulf of Mexico vents. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395 p. 241-253.
  • Smith, A. J., Flemings, P. B., Liu, X., & Darnell, K. (2014). The evolution of methane vents that pierce the hydrate stability zone in the world's oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119 (8) p. 6337-6356.
  • Smith, A. J., Mienert, J., Bünz, S., & Greinert, J. (2014). Thermogenic methane injection via bubble transport into the upper Arctic Ocean from the hydrate-charged Vestnesa Ridge, Svalbard. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15 (5) p. 1945-1959.
  • Spagnolo, M., Clark, C. D., Ely, J. C., Stokes, C. R., Anderson, J. B., Andreassen, K., Graham, A. G. C., & King, E. C. (2014). Size, shape and spatial arrangement of mega-scale glacial lineations from a large and diverse dataset. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 39 (11) p. 1432-1448.
  • Stokes, C. R., Corner, G. D., Winsborrow, M. C. M., Husum, K., & Andreassen, K. (2014). Asynchronous response of marine-terminating outlet glaciers during deglaciation of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Geology, 42 (5) p. 455-458.
  • Tratt, D. M., Buckland, K. N., Hall, J. L., Johnson, P. D., Keim, E. R., Leifer, I., Westberg, K., & Young, S. J. (2014). Airborne visualization and quantification of discrete methane sources in the environment. Remote Sensing of Environment, 154 p. 74-88.
  • van Zuilen, M. A., Philippot, P., Whitehouse, M. J., & Lepland, A. (2014). Sulfur isotope mass-independent fractionation in impact deposits of the 3.2 billion-year-old Mapepe Formation, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 142 p. 429-441.
  • Wallmann, K., Dallimore, S., Biastoch, A., Westbrook, G., Shakova, N., Severinghaus, J., Dickens, G. R., & Mienert, J. (2014). Assessment of the Sensitivity and Response of Methane Gas Hydrate to Global Climate Change. Frozen Heat. A global outlook on methane gas hydrates, p. 51-75. [book contribution]
  • Wastegård, S., & Rasmussen, T. L. (2014). Faroe Marine Ash Zone IV: a new MIS 3 ash zone on the Faroe Islands margin. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 398 p. 81-93.
  • Zamelczyk, K., Rasmussen, T. L., Husum, K., Godtliebsen, F., & Hald, M. (2014). Surface water conditions and calcium carbonate preservation in the Fram Strait during marine isotope stage 2, 28.8–15.4 kyr. Paleoceanography, 29 (1) p. 1-12.