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Cruise Reports

Vol. 8 (2020)

CAGE20-6 Cruise Report: Pore-fluid pressure and heat flow surveys along the Vestnesa Ridge, west-Svalbard continental margin

  • Andreia Plaza-Faverola
18 January 2023


The research cruise was the third expedition under the SEAMSTRESS project, supported by the Tromsø Research Foundation and the Research Council of Norway, through their starting grant schemes. We departed from Tromsø and started the surveys after 3 days of transit to the Fram Strait. We focused on the Vestnesa ridge and an elongated depression with fluid flow features north of the Knipovich ridge.
The main purpose of the cruise was to conduct an experiment using Ifremer piezometer for measuring sediment pore fluid pressure along the margin. The pore fluid pressure experiment was complemented with an exhaustive heat flow survey using the newly acquired heat flow probe by CAGE and the Department of Geosciences at UiT.

The cruise may be known as: CAGE20_6


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