Ekwǫ̀ and Tłı̨ chǫ Nàowo / Caribou and Tłı̨ chǫ language, culture and way of life: An evolving relationship and shared history


  • John B. Zoe Tłı̨ chǫ Government, Box 412, Behchokǫ̀, NT X0E 0Y0




caribou, TEK, Northwest Territories, management, caribou stories


This paper is adapted from the author’s contribution to the NACW presentation co-authored with Kerri Garner and Jan Adamczewski, “Tłįchǫ People and Ekwǫ̀ (Caribou): An Evolving Relationship And Shared History,” as well as contributions to the NACW Aboriginal Talking Circles. We are now going to go back in time to long before co-management was even contemplated and before the Government of the Northwest Territories existed, back to the pre-colonial relationship between Tłı̨ chǫ and ekwǫ̀ . We will consider how this has changed over time, with our people being influence.




How to Cite

Zoe, J. B. (2012). Ekwǫ̀ and Tłı̨ chǫ Nàowo / Caribou and Tłı̨ chǫ language, culture and way of life: An evolving relationship and shared history. Rangifer, 32(2), 69–74. https://doi.org/10.7557/