Rangifer Report No. 24 (2024)
Challenges and conditions for reindeer husbandry in Norway, Sweden and Finland
Rangifer Report No. 23 (2024)
Bohccuid dálvebiebman – váikkuhusat bohccuid láhttenvieruide, boazodoalu geavadagaide ja birrasii
Rangifer Report No. 22 (2024)
Poronhoidon nykytila ja haasteet Norjassa,Ruotissa ja Suomessa
Rangifer Report No. 21 (2024)
Eavttut ja hástalusat boazodollui Norggas, Ruoŧas ja Suomas
Rangifer Report No. 20 (2024)
Vinterforing av reinsdyr - effekter på reinsdyrs oppførsel, beitepraksis og miljøet
Rangifer Report No. 19 (2024)
Porojen talviruokinta ja sen vaikutukset porojen käyttäytymiseen, poronhoitokäytäntöihin ja ympäristöön
Rangifer Report No. 18 (2024)
Vinterutfodring av renar - effekter på renarnas beteende, renskötseln och miljön
Rangifer Report No. 17 (2024)
Forutsetninger og utfordringer for reindrifta i Norge, Sverige og Finland
Rangifer Report No. 16 (2023)
Förutsättningar och utmaningar för renskötseln i Norge, Sverige och Finland
Rangifer Report No. 15 (2023)
Eventyret Norsk Moskus A/S
Vol 35 (2015): Special Issue No. 23
15th North American Caribou Workshop, 12-16 May 2014, Whitehorse, Canada
Vol 34 (2014): Special Issue No. 22
Simulation of maintenance, growth and reproduction of caribou and reindeer as influenced by ecological aspects of nutrition, climate change and industrial development using an energy-protein model
Vol 33 (2013): Special Issue No. 21
13th Arctic Ungulate Conference, 22-26 August 2011, Yellowknife, Canada
Vol 32 (2012): Special Issue No. 20
13th North American Caribou Workshop, 25-28 October 2010, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Vol 31 (2011): Special Issue No. 19
12th North American Caribou Workshop, 2-5 November 2008, Happy Valley – Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Rangifer Report No. 14 (2010)
16th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, 16-18 November 2010, Tromsö, Norway
Vol 29 (2009): Special Issue No. 18
12th Arctic Ungulate Conference (AUC), 8-13 August 2007, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia
Rangifer Report No. 13 (2009)
15th Nordic Conference of Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, 26-29 January 2009, Luleå, Sweden
Vol 27 (2007): Special Issue No.17
11th North American Caribou Workshop, 24-27 April 2006, Jasper, Alberta, Canada
Rangifer Report No. 12 (2007)
14th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, 20-22 March 2006, Vantaa, Finland
Rangifer Report No. 11 (2006)
14th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, 20-22 March 2006, Vantaa, Finland
Vol 25 (2005): Special Issue No. 16
10th North American Caribou Workshop, 4-6 May 2004, Girdwood, Alaska, USA
Rangifer Report No. 10 (2005)
13th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, 23-25 August 2004, Røros, Norway
Vol 24 (2004): Special Issue No. 15
Workshop "Natural Pastures and Mobile Animal Husbandry under Pressure: The Cases of Lapland and the Tibetan Plateau", 12-14 June 2002, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
Rangifer Report No. 9 (2004)
13th Nordic Conference on Reindeer and Reindeer Husbandry Research, 23-25 August 2004, Røros, Norway
Vol 23 (2003): Special Issue No. 14
9th North American Caribou Workshop, 23-27 April 2001, Kuujjuaq, Québec, Canada
Rangifer Report No. 8 (2003)
Final report of the NOR project "Management of reindeer pastures under uncertainty" Report title: "A decision-tool for adaptation of reindeer herds to rangeland: the user's manual"
Rangifer Report No. 7 (2003)
11th Arctic Ungulate Conference (AUC), 24-28 August 2003, Saariselkä, Finland
Vol 22 (2002): Special Issue No. 13
CAES-workshop "Reindeer 2000", 11-13 August 1999, Tromsø, Norway
Rangifer Report No. 6 (2002)
12th Nordic Reindeer/Reindeer Husbandry Research Conference, 11-13 March 2002, Kiruna, Sweden
Rangifer Report No. 5 (2001)
11th Nordic Reindeer/Reindeer Husbandry Research Conference, 18-20 June 2001, Kaamanen, Finland
Vol 20 (2000): Special Issue No. 12
8th North American Caribou Workshop, 20-24 April 1998, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Rangifer Report No. 4 (1999)
10th Arctic Ungulate Conference (AUC), 9-13 August 1999,Tromsø, Norway
Rangifer Report No. 3 (1999)
10th Nordic Conference on Reindeer Research, 13-15 March 1998, Kautokeino, Norway
Vol 19 (1999): Special Issue No. 11 (Thesis)
Antti Oksanen; Endectocide treatment of the reindeer
Rangifer Report No. 2 (1998)
10th Nordic Conference on Reindeer Research, 13-15 March 1998, Kautokeino, Norway
Vol 18 (1998): Special Issue No. 10
7th North Armerican Caribou Conference, 19-21 August 1996, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
Vol 16 (1996): Special Issue No. 9
6th North American Caribou Workshop 1-4 March 1994, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada and George River Caribou Workshop, 27-29 January 1994, Labrador City, Labrador, Canada
Rangifer Report No. 1 (1995)
7th (22-23 September 1993, Tromsö, Norway) and 8th (8-10 September 1994, Kaamanen, Finland) Nordic Workshops on Reindeer Research
Vol 13 (1993): Special Issue No. 8
Range Ecology of the Porcupine Caribou Herd in Canada
Vol 11 (1991): Special Issue No. 7
5th American Caribou Workshop, 19-21 March 1991, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Vol 11 (1991): Special Issue No. 6 (Thesis)
Nikander, S.: Studies on the Exocrine Ducts of the Pancreas and the Liver in Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.)
Vol 10 (1990): Special Issue No. 5
6th Nordic Workshop on Reindeer Research, 8-10 October 1990, Tromsø, Norway
Vol 10 (1990): Special Issue No. 4
5th Nordic Workshop on Reindeer Research, 30 October - 2 November 1989, Oulo, Finland
Vol 10 (1990): Special Issue No. 3
5th International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium, 18-22 August 1988, Arvidsjaur, Sweden
Vol 8 (1988): Special Issue No. 2
4th Nordic Workshop on Reindeer Research, 28-30 September 1987, Kongsvold, Norway
Vol 6 (1986): Special Issue No. 1
4th International Reindeer/Caribou Symposium, 22-25 August 1985, Whitehorse, Canada
Vol. 6 No. 1-App (1986)3. nordiske reinforskermøte, Rovaniemi 1986
Vol. 4 No. 2-App (1984)Samnordisk reinforskningskonferanse, Kongsvold 1984
Vol. 2 No. 1-App (1982)Samnordisk reinforskningskonferanse, Hemavan 1981: Tap av rein