Systematic review and classification of: SIBS The sibling project




Systematic review, Preventive Program, Parents and Siblings


Background: This article summarizes the knowledge about the effect of the sibling intervention SIBS for children with chronic health conditions. The intervention is based on family systemic theory with elements from resilience theory, family communication, understanding of illness and health knowledge as well as cognitive behavioral therapy. The intervention is a manual-based group intervention where siblings and a parent participate over five sessions. Three of the five sessions are separate child and parent groups. The overarching goal is to strengthen the quality of communication between parents and children in order to reduce the risk of developing psychological problems in siblings. The intervention is offered by the Frambu competence center for rare diagnoses, which provides training. It is owned by Frambu and the University of Oslo.

Methods: This systematic review is based on a systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline and Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. International scientific databases have also been searched for evidence as well as information about the intervention obtained from the owner. Literature searches and other obtained information were reviewed to identify Nordic impact studies, international review studies and possibly other Norwegian studies about the intervention.

Results:One Nordic effect study of the intervention SIBS was identified and included. The effect study, which had a pre-posttest design without a control group, was conducted in Norway and included sibling-parent dyads. The intervention is well described in manuals, and the measure has a good theoretical justification. Overall, the effect study has been evaluated as having good research methodological quality, but somewhat weaker internal and external validity due to the lack of a control group, high dropout rates and characteristics of the families. The effect sizes in the study were small to moderate. Overall, the intervention has a good implementation strategy, but lacks specification of how compliance with the core components of the intervention is ensured and how the municipal service can record benefits and maintenance of effects in participants.

Conclusion: There is one Nordic study that has evaluated the effect of the intervention. The study has relatively good research methodological quality, and effect sizes calculated to be small to moderate. The main finding was an improvement in the quality of parent-sibling communication over time. Secondary findings were improvement in the sibling's mental health symptoms and adaptation to the disability, as well as increased knowledge about the disability. It is therefore considered that there is an indication that theintervention is effective, but more effect studies that include a control group are necessary to establish that the intervenytion is effective for many in the target group.

SIBS is classified at evidence level 3 – as an intervention with some documentation of effect.


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How to Cite

Halvorsen, M. B., & Lauritzen, C. (2023). Systematic review and classification of: SIBS The sibling project. Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 15(2).



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