Systematic review and classification of: Kjærlighet og Grenser (3. utg.)
Family Relationships, Addiction, Systematic reviewAbstract
Background: This article is a systematic review of current knowledge of the effects of Kjærlighet og Grenser in the Nordic region. The article is a revision of earlier reviews of the same intervention in Ungsinn (Bjørknes, 2011: Bjørknes % Koposov, 2018). The program owner has since updated the program, and this article is based on the updated version with an updated literature search. Kjærlighet og Grenser is a preventive substance use program targeting youth ages 10-14 years and their parents. Kompetansesenter rus – region sør – (KORUS) has the national responsibility for developing and providing training in the program. The program was originally developed in the United States (Iowa Strengthening Families Program), further developed in Sweden (ParentSteps, Step-by-Step) and implemented in Norway since 2004.
Methods: Embase, Medline and Psykinfo, NORART Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed were searched for relevant articles. Two Swedish articles fulfilled the criteria and were included.
Results: The results include a description of the intervention and a review of the effectiveness studies, methodological and implementation quality. The program has satisfactory systems to ensure implementation quality. There are two effectiveness studies from Sweden. Both studies used a randomized design with control groups, assessment conducted at before the intervention and at follow-up. The studies had good methodological quality. There were no significant effects on relevant outcomes such as adolescent substance use or behavioural problems. In addition, international summaries are not consistent in their conclusions about whether the program is effective.
Conclusion: Based on the Ungsinn criteria for rating evidence, the Kjærlighet og Grenser was classified on evidence level 0 – Ineffective intervention. The studies that have been carried out are of good methodological quality and show that the measure has no effect. This is supported by the fact that international summaries are not consistent in their conclusions about whether the program is effective.
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