Systematic review and classification of: TFCO - Treatement Foster Care Oregon (1. ed.)




Systematic review, Behavioral problems, Family Relationships, Foster Care


Background: Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) is a treatment method for youth with severe behavioral problems and their families. Overall, the goals are to achieve good treatment results for young people's difficulties, and that young people should be able to live at home with their parents rather than be placed in long-term foster or residential care. TFCO is a multisystemic, coordinated form of treatment, where professionals work with several relevant arenas for young people in parallel, such as, family, school, mental health care, and free time. During the treatment period, the young person lives temporarily in a foster home, and then gradually move home with their parents. The National Development Center for Children and Young People (NUBU), is responsible for implementing and supervising TFCO in Norway.

Method: The present knowledge summary is based on a systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline, PsychInfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. International knowledge databases have been searched for studies demonstrating evidence of effects as well as information about the intervention obtained from the owner of TFCO. Literature searches and other information were reviewed to identify Nordic impact studies, international summary studies, and other Norwegian studies about the measure.

Results: The results consist of an assessment of the measure's description, existing effect studies, research methodological quality, and implementation quality. In this review, we identified 4 Nordic effectiveness studies as well as 14 international summaries and assessments in databases about the intervention. Overall, the studies document effects on crime, the number of days in locked conditions, negative behavior, and drug problems. It is somewhat unclear whether the measure has effects on psychosocial outcome measures.

Conclusion: TFCO is classified at level 4; an intervention with satisfactory documentation of effects.


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Illustration photo. Girl in a hoodie with the hood pulled over her head, while her mother is talking to her.

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How to Cite

Helene, E., Handegaard, B. H., & Patras, J. (2023). Systematic review and classification of: TFCO - Treatement Foster Care Oregon (1. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 15(2).



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