Systematic review and classification of: Cool Kids




Systematic review, Anxiety, Cool Kids, Cognitive behavioral therapy


Background: This paper is a systematic review of the effects of Cool Kids, a program with the main goal of helping children and young people aged 6-18 years to deal with anxiety and related difficulties. The program can be offered both individually and in group format, with approx. 10 meetings. The Cool Kids program is theoretically grounded in cognitive behavioral therapy, emphasizing psychoeducation, cognitive restructuring, exposure and parental inclusion. Training, approval of supervisors and approval as a Cool Kids therapist are offered free of charge by RKBU Vest. The program is currently offered in Norway in the municipal health service, the school health service and the specialist health service.

Methods: This review is based on a systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. International databases on evidence have also been searched, as well as information about the intervention from the program provider. Results from literature searches and the other information obtained were reviewed to identify Nordic effect studies, international systematic reviews, and eventually other Norwegian studies of the intervention.

Results: The literature search resulted in 220 hits, of which a total of 9 articles were included, eight Nordic effect studies and a systematic review. Cool Kids is described in detail and is theoretically rooted in cognitive behavioral therapy, which has broad research support as a treatment for anxiety disorders. The studies of Cool Kids maintain good research methodological quality, with before, after, and follow-up measurements, relevant and valid and reliable measurement instruments, and a multi-informant perspective in the majority of the studies. The studies were conducted in both a clinical and indicated preventive setting. In the majority of the studies, there was a statistically significant difference between the intervention group (Cool Kids) and the comparison group. In a clinical and indicated preventive context, small to strong effects are generally shown. Follow-up studies show that the effect level is largely maintained over time.

Conclusion: Cool Kids is an evidence-based intervention that has a solid theoretical foundation. The program is well described. Results from Nordic effect studies indicate that the program can contribute to the reduction of anxiety and depressive symptoms compared with regular treatment and the effect has been shown to last over time for several main outcome measures. Cool Kids is classified at evidence level 5 - Measures with strong documentation of effect.


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Illustration photo. Girl sitting on the floor looking anxious.

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How to Cite

Kaasbøll, J., & Brøndbo, P. H. (2023). Systematic review and classification of: Cool Kids. Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 15(2).



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