Systematic review and classification of: MITT ALG (my choice) for lower secondary school (1. ed.)




Systematic review, my choice, life coping program, social and emotional learning, social learning, emotional learning, mental health, critical thinking, academic development, MITT VALG, lower secondary school


Background: MITT VALG (My choice) is a Norwegian adapted version of Lions Quest, a universal prevention educational program, developed in the US. MITT VALG is described as a life coping program, focusing on social and emotional learning, mental health, critical thinking and academic development. This article is a summary about the effects of the educational program MITT VALG for lower secondary school. MITT VALG is provided by Stiftelsen Det er mitt valg, founded by Lions Norway.

Method: This summary is based on systematic literature searches in the databases Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. International databases on evidence have also been searched, as well as information about the intervention from the Norwegian provider. Literature searches and other information obtained were reviewed to identify Nordic effect studies, international systematic reviews, and other Norwegian studies of the intervention.

Results: The results in this paper consist of assessments of the intervention’s description, available studies, and quality of implementation. MITT VALG is well described, with a good theoretical foundation. The Norwegian provider offers some support for implementation. One Norwegian effect study has been conducted, but the results on most outcomes do not show any effects. The study is inadequately described, and it is unclear which of the outcomes that are central for measuring efficacy of the program. MITT VALG has been revised during the spring of 2020, which weakens the relevance of the study further.

Conclusion: MITT VALG is classified at evidence level 2 – Theoretically-based interventions.


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Illustrasjonsfoto. Elever i et klasserom.


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How to Cite

Sæle , R. G., & Aasheim, M. (2021). Systematic review and classification of: MITT ALG (my choice) for lower secondary school (1. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 13(1).



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