Systematic review and classification of: The Incredible Years (IY): Parenting Program for Preschool Children (3-6 years) and School Children (6-12 years) (2. ed.)




preschool childrenschool-aged children, behavioural difficulties, family relations, family, school, behavioural problems, preventive, Systematic review


Background: The present paper reviews the effectiveness of the Incredible Years (IY) parental training program for pre-school (age 3-6) and school-aged (age 6-12) children in a Nordic context. The programs are developed by Carolyn Webster-Stratton, USA, and target parents with children with emerging or present conduct problems. The Artic University of Norway and the Regional Centre for Child and Youth mental health and Child Welfare – northern Norway (RKBU-North) holds the Norwegian rights.

Method: This review is based on a systematic literature search on the IY parental training programs in the international databases Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, Scopus, SweMed, Bibsys, and Google Scholar. A total of nine Nordic publications were identified (3 from Norway, 4 from Sweden, 1 from Denmark, and 1 from Finland), in addition to 3 meta-analyses. Information about the programs was also provided from the program owner.

Results: The IY parental training programs are comprehensive and well-established interventions. The findings show that the nine Nordic studies used reliable measurement instruments to assess the intervention effects. Overall, the study results indicate that the programs reduce child conduct problems and promote positive changes in parent-child interactions.

Conclusion: The IY parent training programs for pre-school and school-aged children are classified at evidence level 5, i.e., programs with a strongly documented effect.


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How to Cite

Hukkelberg, S., & Torsheim, T. (2020). Systematic review and classification of: The Incredible Years (IY): Parenting Program for Preschool Children (3-6 years) and School Children (6-12 years) (2. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 12(2).



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