Systematic review and classification of: FRIENDS for life (treatment)




anxity, treatment of anxity, groupsindividuals, develop skills, develop knowledge, manage anxity, Systematic review


Background: This paper is a systematic review of the effects of the intervention FRIENDS for life, a treatment program for children and adolescents with anxiety. The intervention is tailored for groups, but can also be implemented for individuals. FRIENDS aims to help children and young people develop skills and knowledge that make them better equipped to handle anxiety-provoking situations. In Norway, RKBU Vest is responsible for the distribution and implementation of the intervention in 2018.

Method: The review is based on a systematic literature search in the data bases Embase, Medline og Psycinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS og SweMed. Two Norwegian effect studies are included in this review, plus a third Norwegian study and an international review paper. FRIENDS is an intervention that can be used both as prevention and treatment. This review is limited to the intervention as treatment.

Results: The results include a description of the intervention, effect studies, quality of research methods and implementation. There exist two Norwegian effect studies, one which is an RCT with both pre-post measurement and comparison with a control group. The study is methodologically sound and find positive effects of the intervention in an ecologically valid setting.

Conclusion: FRIENDS for life is classified on level 4 – an intervention with satisfactory evidence of efficacy.


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Illustrasjonsfoto. En trist gutt som sitter inntil en vegg.


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How to Cite

Sæle, R. G., & Sagatun, Åse. (2018). Systematic review and classification of: FRIENDS for life (treatment). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 10(2).



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