Systematic review and classification of: Positive behavior, supportive learning environment (2. ed.)
positive behaviour, supportive learning environment, interaction, Systematic review, school culture, school intervention, academic skills, socials skillsAbstract
Background: This article summarizes the current knowledge about the effects of the Norwegian version of the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (SW-PBIS) (Positiv atferd, støttende læringsmiljø og samhandling – PALS). The article is a revision of a previous article of the same model described in Ungsinn (Natvig & Eng, 2012), but updated according to Ungsinn's new guidelines and criteria. PALS is a school-wide intervention model, which primarily aims is to prevent and reduce behavior problems and promote positive student behavior by altering the school environment through evidence-based interventions and inclusive strategies. Interventions are directed towards all staff and students from first to tenth grade, both in classrooms and in different school areas. The PALS model is based on and adapted from the principles and procedures of the School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Model (SW-PBIS), developed at the University of Oregon, US. The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development –NUBU, is responsible for administering training and implementation of the model in Norway, and has developed and adapted the Norwegian version of the model.
Method: This review builds upon a systematic literature search in the databases Blueprints, Cambell, CEBC, CRIStin, Cochrane, Embase, Medline, NORA, Norart, NICE, NREPP, PsycINFO, Scopus og SweMed. Nine articles, of which four Norwegian effect articles based on two effect studies, two international reviews, and three other Norwegian evaluations, were included in this review.
Results: The results consist of a summary of the model's description, current effect studies, methodological quality of the research, and assessment of the implementation quality. The theoretical foundation of PALS is well documented through manuals, literature and in other additional material related to training and implementation. There are two Norwegian effect studies. The first is a smaller study performed as a quasi-experimental control group design with pre and post measurements. Significant effects in the first study were found, but the internal validity and generalizability of the study results could be questioned due to the weak design. The second study includes several articles, of which three are included in this summary. For this study, the methodological quality was sufficient. The study was performed as a strengthened quasi-experimental design with a matched control group. A full-scale version of PALS implemented over four years, and a short version of PALS implemented over one year were included in this study. Significant effects were found on several outcomes which may be of practical significance to schools. The theoretical foundation of PALS is well documented, and the guidelines to ensure the quality of implementation are sufficient and well described.
Conclusion: The Norwegian and international shows that PALS leads to a reduction in the occurrence of general and moderate problem behavior, and to some extent severe problem behavior in the school environment. The Norwegian studies also found that the school staff improved their use of positive behavior support strategies after PALS. In addition, moderator analyses showed that high implementation quality were also associated with better intervention effects in the Norwegian studies. Provided positive effects on change in students social skills in future research, this would strengthen the evidence of the intervention. The intervention meets the requirements of strong evidence on several criteria. The model is classified at evidence level 5 - Intervention with strong documentation of effect.
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