Systematic review and classification of: ART – Aggression Replacement Training/Adapted Aggression Replacement Training (AART) (2. ed.)




Systematic review, group program, social competence, social skills training, anger management, moral reasoning, social skills, aggression


Background: This article summarizes the current knowledge about the effects of Aggression Replacement Training (ART). This is a revision of the previous article (Kjøbli, 2009), but updated according to the new Ungsinn guidelines and criteria. The Scandinavian adapted version (Adapted Aggression Replacement Training; AART) was also included in this review. ART/AART is an educational group-based multi-modal program aimed at increasing youth’s social competence through the three main components; social skills training, anger management and moral reasoning. The main goal of the intervention is to replace aggressive behavior by increasing the youths’ social skills. The duration of the intervention is recommended to be 10 weeks, where each of the three components is completed once a week, preferable in a separate ART-room. The group consists of 4-8 participants, and is managed by one main trainer and one co-trainer.

Method: This review builds upon a systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline and Psychinfo, NORART Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. Seven articles, three Nordic effect studies, one international review, and three other Norwegian studies were included in this Ungsinn review of the effectiveness of ART.

Results: The results consist of an evaluation of the description of the intervention, the results from the effectiveness studies, methodological quality of the research, and implementation quality. The theoretical foundation of ART/AART is well documented, and the written guidelines for implementation are well described. The studies that have examined the effectiveness of the interventionhave a weak methodological research quality according to the Ungsinn criteria.

Conclusion: ART/AART is classified at evidence level 3 –Intervention with some documentation of effect.


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Illustrasjonsfoto. Tre barn som har det gøy på en benk.


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How to Cite

Rasmussen, L.-M. P., & Strøm, H. K. (2017). Systematic review and classification of: ART – Aggression Replacement Training/Adapted Aggression Replacement Training (AART) (2. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 9(1).



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