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Cruise Reports

Vol. 10 (2022)

CAGE22-1 Cruise Report: Environmental geochemistry and seafloor characterization of Repparfjord, Kvalsund, Northern Norway

  • Claudio Argentino
  • Giulia Galimberti
  • Josu González González
  • Marie Hoff
  • Yulia Mun
  • Bjorn Olsen Runar
  • Giuliana Panieri
  • Sabina Strmic Palinkas
1 November 2022


The scientific objectives of CAGE22-1 expedition were to 1) explore the seafloor at the historical disposal area in Repparfjord using a TowCam-multicorer system. The visual seafloor observations allow to characterize the composition and distribution of benthic communities and for targeted sediment samplings. 2) Collect sediment cores in and out of the disposal area and extract pore fluids for trace metals and gas analyses.

The cruise may be known as: CAGE22_1


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  2. Crameri, F., Shephard, G. E. & Heron, P. J. (2020). The misuse of colour in science communication. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-10.
  3. Mun, Y., Palinkaš, S. S., Forwick, M., Junttila, J., Pedersen, K. B., Sternal, B., Neufeld, K., Tibljaš, D. & Kullerud, K. (2020). Stability of Cu-sulfides in submarine tailing disposals: A case study from Repparfjorden, Northern Norway. Minerals, 10(2), 18.
  4. Mun, Y., Strmić Palinkaš, S. & Kullerud, K. (2021). The Role of Mineral Assemblages in The Environmental Impact of Cu-Sulfide Deposits: A Case Study from Norway. Minerals, 11(6), 627.
  5. Pedersen, K. B., Jensen, P. E., Sternal, B., Ottosen, L. M., Henning, M. V., Kudahl, M. M., Junttila, J., Skirbekk, K. & Frantzen, M. (2018). Long-term dispersion and availability of metals from submarine mine tailing disposal in a fjord in Arctic Norway. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(33), 32901-32912.
  6. Statens forurensningstilsyn. (2007) Revidering av klassifisering av metaller og organiske miljøgifter i vann og sedimenter.
  7. Sternal, B., Junttila, J., Skirbekk, K., Forwick, M., Carroll, J. L. & Pedersen, K. B. (2017). The impact of submarine copper mine tailing disposal from the 1970s on Repparfjorden, northern Norway. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 120(1-2), 136-153.