Tine L. Rasmussen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk CAGE13-1 Cruise Report: Ocean acidification in the Barents Sea cruise: West Barents Sea slope, Barents Sea, north Norway PDF
Tine L. Rasmussen, Tove Nielsen, Katarzyna Zamelczyk, Antoon Kuijpers CAGE13-2 Cruise Report: CAGE, OAFS and Paleo-CIRCUS cruise to Northwest Norway, Jan Mayen and East Greenland PDF
Stefan Bünz CAGE13-3 Cruise Report: Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems (ECO2) (A 7th Framework Programme EU project) PART I. PDF
Stefan Bünz CAGE13-4 Cruise Report: Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems (ECO2) (A 7th Framework Programme EU project) PART II. PDF
Karin Andreassen CAGE13-5 Cruise Report: Investigation of glacial geomorphology in the Storfjordrenna. PDF
Karin Andreassen CAGE13-6 Cruise Report: Marine Geological Cruise to Storfjordrenna and Bjørnøyrenna PDF
Jürgen Mienert, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, Joel Johnson, Peter Franek, Peter Urban, Giacomo Osti, Steinar Iversen, Anoop Nair, Bjørn-Runar Olsen CAGE13-7 Cruise Report: Gas Release Activity & Underwater Landslide Research Cruise PDF