Systematic review and classification of: Circle of Security Virginia – Group Model (COS-VG) (2. ed.)




circle of security, COS, parent, attachment, attachment issues, security, belonging, autonomy, sense of security, self-understanding, sense of self, Systematic review


Background: Circle of security (COS), is a group of attachment-based parental guidance interventions designed to promote sensitive and affective communication with the child, increasing the child's sense of security and self-understanding. This article describes the Circle of Security (COS) Virginia - Group Model (COS-VG), which is a preventive intervention targeting groups of families. The intervention can be provided to parents of children with mild to moderate risk of developing attachment issues. Implementation of the intervention in Norway have until recently been organized by Regional Center for Children and Young People's Mental Health East and South (RBUP East and South). Due to a lack of evidence for its effect and difficulties attaining research grants for effect studies, RBUP East and South no longer offers training in COS-V.

Method: This review is based on systematic literature search in the databases Embase, Medline, Psykinfo, NORART, Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. International databases on evidence have also been searched, as well as information about the intervention from the Norwegian providor. Literature searches and other information obtained were reviewed to identify Nordic impact studies, international systematic reviews and other Norwegian studies of the intervention.

Results: The results in this paper consist of assessments of the intervention's description, available studies and quality of implementation. COS-VG is considered to be satisfactorily described with a good theoretical foundation. However, there are no Nordic studies or international systematic reviews where the effects of the intervention have been investigated. This means that it is unclear whether COS-VG actually has an effect in relation to promoting secure attachment.

Conclusion: COS-VF is classified at evidence level 2 - Theoretically-based interventions.


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How to Cite

Rye, M., Eng, H., & Ulvund, S. E. (2020). Systematic review and classification of: Circle of Security Virginia – Group Model (COS-VG) (2. ed.). Ungsinn. Journal of Effective Interventions for Children and Adolescents, 12(2).



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