Systematic review and classification of: ICDP (2. ed.)
Systematic review, parents, parental guidance, parental guidance intervention, caregiver measure, guidance measure, caregiver, care measureAbstract
Background: This article is a revision of a previous description of the International Child Development Programme (ICDP) that was published in Ungsinn (Reedtz, 2009), and is a review of current knowledge of the effects of ICDP in a Nordic context. ICDP is a universal and community-based parenting program for caretakers of children aged 0-18 years. ICDP is developed by Karsten Hundeide and Henning Rye. Bufdir and ICDP Norway is responsible for the intervention. The current review of ICDP is revised according to the new classification criteria in Ungsinn.
Method: The following databases were searched to find articles about the ICDP intervention: Embase, Medline and PsycINFO, NORART Cochrane, Cristin, NORA, SCOPUS and SweMed. Five articles, partly based on the same sample from a Norwegian evaluation, were included in this review.
Results: The results include a summary of the description of ICDP, the outcomes of the effectiveness studies, the methodological quality of the research, and the quality of implementation. ICDP is described in several documents including a handbook for the program. One study, using a quasi-experimental design, has examined the effects of ICDP. The results are published in two separate papers; the first paper reported results from the pre-post intervention, whereas the second paper reported results from pre-post, and 6-12 months follow-up. The results showed some small positive outcomes related to parenting behavior (e.g., Household commotion and Parenting strategy), child difficulties (e.g., SDQ Impact and SDQ Total) and parents’ psychosocial health. However, the study is conducted with poor methodological quality and it is therefore not clear whether or not the effects are related to the intervention. ICDP has some procedures to ensure quality in the implementation of the intervention, but there is no comprehensive strategy for implementation or dissemination.
Conclusion: ICDP is classified at evidence level 3 – Intervention with some evidence of efficacy.
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