About the Journal


Målbryting is a peer-reviewed Open Access journal owned by SONE (Sociolinguistic Network in Norway) which is a network of scholars working on the intersection between language and society.

Målbryting publishes contributions that span the whole area of sociolinguistics including language variation and change, discourse analysis, multilingualism, language attitude and language ideology, language policy and language planning. Målbryting mainly targets the sociolinguistics community in Scandinavia and contributions should preferably be written in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, but the journal also accepts contributions in English.

Editors and editorial board

Målbryting has two editors and an editorial board consisting of eight members. The editorial board is comprised by the SONE board on which the six member institutions are represented (University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway, NTNU, University of Agder, University of Oslo/MultiLing and Western Norway University College) in addition to four sociolinguists from abroad. The role of the editorial board is to develop Målbryting as a publication channel for sociolinguistic research in Norway and the Nordic countries. The board also ensures a high scientific quality by assisting the editors in recruiting peer reviewers.

Peer review

All contributions undergo double-blind review. The journal only accepts anonymized and proof-read manuscripts which have not been submitted for publication elsewhere.

The journal’s history

Nine volumes of the paper-based version of Målbryting were published between 1998 and 2008. They were published by the Department of Nordic Studies at the University of Bergen with Gunnstein Akselberg as editor. The journal started as the publication series of TEIN, Talemålsendring i Noreg (Dialect change in Norway), which was the predecessor of SONE. Today, Målbryting is the journal of the SONE network. The paper editions of Målbryting have been digitized and republished in the online journal. The former volumes mostly include articles, but two Master theses were also published (Vol. 1, 1999 and Vol. 3, 2001). The articles were written by Master students, PhD students and established scholars. The presenters at the annual SONE conferences and other events also contributed.


2535-8308 (electronic version)

1500-8576 (printed version)

Open Access policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The standard license for the articles published in this journal is Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, authors retain copyright. The journal has no author-side charges ("article processing charges", "article submission charges").

Authors can self-archive manuscripts (submitted version and accepted version) and the published version of their article immediately on publication.

Plagiarism screening

The journal uses CrossCheck, which is a plagiarism screening service. All submitted manuscripts are scanned for instances of possible plagiarism.