Language variation in South-Østfold

Ideology, language and practice


  • Karine Stjernholm Høgskolen i Østfold
  • Åshild Søfteland Høgskolen i Østfold



ideology, linguistic practices, linguistic anthropology, Østfold, spoken language corpus, total linguistic fact


This article presents a linguistic anthropological analysis of the linguistic situation in the south-eastern parts of the Norwegian county of Østfold. The analysis takes Silverstein’s (1985) ‘total linguistic fact’ as its point of departure and encompasses the relationship between language ideology, linguistic form and linguistic interaction/practice. The data include conversational material from the Nordic Dialect Corpus (NDC), texts written by students in teacher education, as well as our own experiences as newcomers to the area. We argue that Østfold’s history plays a central role in the ideological climate/debate that surrounds the local variety. The early and heavy industrialization in the area resulted in a strongly class-based society (Svendsen 2004:465). We claim that this social structure can be considered as a continuation of the society that existed before the area was industrialized. The industrialization also led to immigration and urbanization. These societal relations are regarded as the start of a linguistic development characterized by high levels of dialect contact and an apparent divide between local and supra-local varieties. We interpret this in light of Woolard’s (2016) argument that there are two competing linguistic ideological directions in Western societies: an ‘ideology of authenticity’ and an ‘ideology of anonymity’. We also present a model for dividing the linguistic landscape into four components, and we analyze a conversation with two young, local speakers according to this model.

Author Biographies

Karine Stjernholm, Høgskolen i Østfold

Avd. for lærerutdanning, førsteamanuensis

Åshild Søfteland, Høgskolen i Østfold

Avd. for lærerutdanning, førsteamanuensis


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