“I have never used Norwegian Nynorsk before”

To have teaching competence in Norwegian Nynorsk and Norwegian Bokmål


  • Britt Iren Nordeide Høgskulen på Vestlandet




language competence, position to Norwegian Nynorsk, professional background, teacher education, language attitudes, speech acts


Teachers who teach in primary schools in Norway are required to master both Norwegian Bokmål and Norwegian Nynorsk, the two varieties of written Norwegian. Several studies have shown that the teacher education institutions do not ensure this competence, and that the teacher students entering the profession have a low level of competence in Norwegian Nynorsk. This study examines the attitudes of teachers in further education towards Norwegian Nynorsk and the connections between attitudes and the teachers’ professional background, their written language background, and their written language practices. The basis of the study is an online survey where primary school teachers taking part in an online in-service course in Norwegian were the respondents. The article contributes insights into the attitudes that some teachers have towards Nynorsk in education, and into possible connections between the self-reported attitudes and the use of Norwegian Nynorsk in teaching. The teachers who participated in the survey attach different value to Norwegian Nynorsk and Norwegian Bokmål, and these positions are expressed when the teachers practice their profession. A main finding is that the teachers in the survey have varying degrees of competence, and thus mastery, of Norwegian Nynorsk and Bokmål, and this is expressed when they practice their profession. There is also a tendency for respondents who have a background in primary school teacher education to be somewhat more positive about Norwegian Nynorsk than those who have a background from the other educational groups represented in the survey.


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