«Lutefiskens lengsel mot havet»

The Profil-Writers' Use of Humour in the Fight for the Literary Field





Dag Solstad, Einar Økland, Jan Erik Vold, 1960s, Humour


In this article, I investigate works of fiction by three prominent authors affiliated with the zeitschrift Profil in the 1960s: Dag Solstad, Einar Økland and Jan Erik Vold. The texts I focus on, are all humorous, and this humour is used to criticise poetic practices different from the Profil-group’s own poetic program. The criticism is aimed at the idealistic tradition, moralistic literature, national romanticism, use of particularly ‘poetic’ motives, symbolic language and elevated, poetic language. Along with analyses of the Profil writers’ own texts, I also look at examples of these criticised ways of writing, by Paal Brekke, Arnulf Øverland, Erling Christie, Tore Ørjasæter And A.O. Vinje. And I point at two international sources of inspiration, Werner Aspenström and Lewis Carroll. The overall point is that the Profil writers don’t focus on one main opponent, but instead reach for a big variety of literary practises in their humorous interaction with tradition.


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How to Cite

Andersen, Hadle Oftedal. 2023. “«Lutefiskens lengsel mot havet»: The Profil-Writers’ Use of Humour in the Fight for the Literary Field”. Nordlit 51 (2):33-49. https://doi.org/10.7557/13.6869.