"I find comfort in others with great sorrows"
Suicide from a next of kin perspective in Mothers and Daughters by Tiril Broch Aakre
suicide, grief theory, autobiographical novel, next of kin literature, Tiril Broch AakreAbstract
This article analyses Tiril Broch Aakre’s autobiographical documentary Mødre og døtre (Mothers and Daughters, 2019) as a next of kin narrative and a fictional double portrait. The book depicts a suicidal mother and shows how grief affects the daughter’s perception of herself and her role as daughter and mother. The text creates a polyphony through quotes from the mother’s letters, books she has read, and the inclusion of the mother’s notes from hospitalisation. These texts provide some solution to the narrative and ethical dilemma of how it is possible to talk about the mother and her suicide without compromising her dignity. At the same time, the book promotes a different view of suicidality and suicide than the prevailing view in society today.
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