Iconic solidarity with death

On Steffens Kvernelands A Voluntary Death


  • Benedikt Jager Universitetet i Stavanger (IKS)




Steffen Kverneland, suicide, iconic solidarity, comics, Norwegian postwar period


In A voluntary death (2018), comics writer Steffen Kverneland thematizes the suicide of his father. This contribution examines the interaction between the verbal text and the visual design. It turns out that the compound expression creates complex and partly contradictory interpretation possibilities of the father's suicide. In this context, Thierry Groensteens concept of '"iconic solidarity" is of particular importance.


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Engebretsen, Martin (red). 2010. Tekst/Bilde/Lyd. Analyse av sammensatte tekster. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget.

Groensteen, Thierry. 2007. The systems of comics. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.

Kverneland, Steffen. 2001. Slyngel. Oslo: No Comprendo press.

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How to Cite

Jager, Benedikt. 2024. “Iconic solidarity with death: On Steffens Kvernelands A Voluntary Death”. Nordlit 52 (2):133-42. https://doi.org/10.7557/13.7897.