About the Journal
Main focus and scope
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning is primarily intended as a resource for teaching and research staff at institutions in the Nordic countries that provide health professions education. In this context, health professions education means education in the fields of nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, etc. We aim for a broad interprofessional profile that reflects research and development activities at educational institutions. Both health services research and patient-/client-oriented research are relevant. Patient-oriented research can, for example, be clinically oriented or based on patient experiences and circumstances. Health services research, meanwhile, can be profession-oriented or system-oriented. We interpret health services research as applying to the education of health professionals. What challenges do we face in health professions education and what is the way forward? In other words, we take into account a wide range of perspectives.
The journal will maintain a broad profile that reflects the research and development activities at Nordic institutions providing education in the health professions and allied fields of practice.
In terms of content, each issue of the journal consists of peer-reviewed academic articles that have been assessed by recognized scholars. We also accept feature articles, R&D articles and opinion pieces.
Articles are written in a Scandinavian language, i.e. Norwegian, Swedish or Danish.
Peer review
The assessment procedure (double-blind review) protects the anonymity of authors and reviewers. The editorial board assesses and decides which scholarly articles are sent for peer review. Articles are sent to two reviewers, but a third can be appointed if there is a large discrepancy between the first two. The peer-review process should be helpful to both editors and authors. A copy of the assessment is sent to the author.
Good assessment practice is based on the following:
- You are asked by an editor to comment on an academic article written by another researcher. You evaluate whether the article is suitable for publication both from a scholarly and a research ethics perspective.
- If you believe you are unable to assess the article, please return the article to the editor as soon as possible.
- Assessment is confidential.
In your feedback to the editor and author you should assess whether the article is suitable for publication in our journal as follows:
- Does the article present new knowledge within the field?
- Does the title reflect the article's contents?
- Is the objective of the study/article formulated precisely enough?
- Does the author draw on relevant research within the field?
- Is the research method adequately described?
- Are ethical considerations addressed?
- Is there a clear connection between the research question / topic and the presentation of results / findings?
- Is relevant literature or research drawn on in the discussion?
- Are suggestions for further research proposed?
- Is the article written clearly, coherently and readably?
- Are citations correct, does the reference list match, are there any omissions?
On this basis, the referee concludes that:
- the article can be published as it is;
- (parts of) the article should be revised; or
- the article should be rejected.
Any additional comments should describe, in concrete terms, what ought to be changed and why.
Be positive and objective in your assessment. It should be helpful to the author as they take their work forward. Critical comments must be constructive.
These instructions are in line with the guidelines given in Enckell, P. H. (1999). Guidelines on Good Refereeing Practice. European Science Editing, 25(1).
An unpublished manuscript belongs to the atuhor, and must not be referenced or cited before publication. Reviewers contribute to protecting the manuscript from any form of exploitation.
Publication frequency
Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning is published twice a year. Articles are published continuously online under these two issues.
Open Access policy
This journal provides immediate and free access (Open Access) to content, based on the principle that making research freely available to the public increases the global exchange of knowledge. The journal does not charge authors article processing or submission fees.
ISSN number
1891-2982 (online edition)
Journal archiving
The journal is included in the PKP Private LOCKSS Network.
Plagiarism screening
The journal uses Similarity Check, a plagiarism screening service. All submitted manuscripts will be scanned for plagiarism.
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