The meeting – seeing and being affected by the patient

A reason for ethical competence among health personnel




Ethical competences, hermeneutic application research, Health professionals, Systematic text condensation


The purpose of this caring science study is to deepen the understanding of health personnel’s experiences of challenges and the fundamental basis for maintaining ethical competence in clinical practice. The study has a qualitative design. The methodology is hermeneutic application research. Twelve participants from several professions were divided into two groups for dialogue and reflection about ethical competence. Systematic text condensation was used as an analysis method.


The analysis resulted in four themes, ethics are challenged in complex clinical situations, to create space for reflection, to see the human being, and to be touched by the patient. The results confirm that the encounter between health personnel and the patient is significant and that the encounter itself is immanent ethics. Health personnel work with a tension between a system characterized by busyness and chores and seeing the patient as a human being and being overwhelmed by his or her suffering. In this field of tension, health personnel can be in the movement of becoming and reflecting on what promotes and maintains ethical competence.


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Author Biographies

Grethe Heidi Bjerga, Universitetet i Stavanger

RN, Asoccate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Dept. of Caring and Ethics

Kari Kaldestad, University of Stavanger

RN, Asoccate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Dept. of Caring and Ethics

Bente Rossavik, The University hospital of Stavanger

RN, Head of department for the nursing service, Clinic of surgery, neurology and rehabilitation

Anne Ree Jensen, The University hospital of Stavanger

RN, Clinic Manager for Surgery, Clinic for Surgery, Neurology and Rehabilitation

Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen, University of Stavanger

RN,  Professor of Care Science, Department of Care and Ethics, Faculty of Health Sciences


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How to Cite

Bjerga, G. H., Kaldestad, K., Rossavik, B. ., Jensen, A. R., & Koskinen, C. A.-L. . (2023). The meeting – seeing and being affected by the patient: A reason for ethical competence among health personnel. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning, 19(1).



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