School nurses’ experiences from interprofessional collaboration to prevent school dropout.
A qualitative study.
Empowerment, interprofessional collaboration, school dropout, school health services, school nurses, public health nurses, secondary educationAbstract
Completion of secondary education is crucial for individuals' integration and participation in the labour market. However, one in five students in Norway does not complete secondary school. In this study we examined how school nurses can facilitate interdisciplinary work to counteract school dropout. Based on three focus group interviews with 13 school nurses in secondary schools, qualitative statements were analysed using a stepwise deductive-inductive method. The findings indicate that school nurses strive to understand the reasons for student absences by considering the whole student, but they face challenges in showcasing their own competence to their collaborators. Implicit power structures, including school leadership, significantly influence the inclusion of school nurses in interdisciplinary teams. To promote interdisciplinary collaboration and strengthen their role, school nurses should actively make themselves and their expertise visible.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Camilla Blomberg Bakke, Hege Sjølie, Tone Nygaard Flølo
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