A burning knife: Suicide, sublimation and slapstick in Arne Østring's "Out of the Silence"


  • Morten Auklend




suicide, kamikaze, homo clausus, Arne Østring, short prose


Arne Østring’s flash fiction «Out of the Silence» could certainly be read as a slightly comical text about a Japanese kamikaze pilot’s – a suicide bomber’s – impossible raid against a militarily superior enemy, but more interestingly the text balances a war-logic and a rational psychology, it unpacks the premise and backstory of kamikaze war, and it situates a suicide bomber as what sociologist Norbert Elias called homo clausus: the isolated, enclosed individual who is all alone in the world. And finally, the text demonstrates that a reading of literary suicides must always be a reading of the text.


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How to Cite

Auklend, Morten. 2024. “A burning knife: Suicide, sublimation and slapstick in Arne Østring’s ‘Out of the Silence’”. Nordlit 52 (2):72-81. https://doi.org/10.7557/13.7853.