A Sweden in Miniature, a Sweden in a Funhouse Mirror. Slyngstad Events as Social Satire on the Late Folkhem Period
tall story, social satire, Slyngstad Events, Unni Drougge, narratives on the Swedish folkhemAbstract
The novel Slyngstad Events (2002) by Unni Drougge can be classified as a tall tale, i.e. a fictional, humorous story that is mostly meant to entertain. At the same time, the book contains a great deal of contemporary criticism: Åsabygden, a fictional area in Skåne where the story is set, suffers from the same problems as the late-modern Swedish welfare society in general and can be regarded as a Sweden in miniature. By analysing the novel's strong and expressive characters, I want to show that the novel is not just an entertaining tale, but can be regarded as a social satire in which the individual actors represent different ways of life and values, but above all different weaknesses and shortcomings of citizens in the welfare state. In a broader sense, Slyngstad Events also appears as a story about a Sweden that is no longer a happy folkhem and a model country, but is being transformed into its opposite, a bizarre monster country, something I develop by interpreting the novel against the background of the various historical accounts of the Swedish folkhem.
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