Nr. 39 (2017): Russian Space—Concepts, Practices, Representations

					Se Nr. 39 (2017): Russian Space—Concepts, Practices, Representations
Redigert av Andrei Rogatchevski og Yngvar B. Steinholt. РСКПР–Спутник-illustrasjon: Arve Hansen.


Nordlit 39 charts: Spanning more than 17 million square kilometers, the Russian Federation covers an expanse bigger than any other country on Earth, and houses a population of over 144 million people and 170 ethnic groups. Even before considering Russia’s rich and complex history, these facts alone go a long way in explaining why the concept of Russian space and its meaning represent a major challenge not only for the outsider, but also for the citizens of Russia themselves. Most of the articles which make up the current special issue have been developed from presentations at the monthly seminar of ‘Russian Space: Concepts, Practices, Representations’ (RSCPR), an interdisciplinary research group formed at UiT The Arctic University of Norway in 2015. The group approaches the notion of space in accordance with new spatial history, which stresses the subjectivity of space construction.
Publisert: 2017-10-24