Feed intake, rumenal pH and lactic acid in reindeer during transition to a complete ration added buffer and fat


  • Ulla-Britt Bøe Statens reinforsøk, 8550 Lødingen, Norge
  • Nicolai Gundersen
  • Harald Sletten
  • Endre Jacobsen




feed intake, reindeer, lactic acid, pH


Feed intake, general condition, rumenal pH and lactic acid content was followed during feeding of starved reindeer on a coventional diet (RF-71). The result was a dramatic decrease of rumen pH (pH=5.1 in experiment no. Ill) a few hours after feeding of the coventional diet, but this could be counteracted significantly by addition of buffer (pH=6.4 in experiment no. Ill) of hydrogenated marine oil (pH=6.1 in experiment no. Ill) to the ration. The highest content of the lactic acid in the rumen was 40 mM in animals fed RF-71, whereas addition of buffer or hydrogenated marine oil completely supressed accumulation of this acid.

Foropptak, pH og melkesyre i vomma hos rein under overgangsforing med kraftfor tilsatt buffer og fett.

Abstract in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Forinntak, almentilstand, pH og melkesyreinnhold i vom ble registrert under foring av sultede rein med konvensjonelt kraftfor (reinfor 71 = RF-71). Det ble funnet et sterkt pH-fall i vomma (pH=5.1, forsøk III) få timer etter at dyrene startet å spise RF-71. Denne effekten ble redusert ved tilsetting av buffer (pH=6.4, forsøk III) eller herdet marint fett (pH=6.1, forsøk III) til dietten. De dyr som ble foret med RF-71 hadde et melkesyreinnhold i vomma på opp til 40 mM. Tilsetting av buffer eller herdet marint fett til dietten forhindret akkumulering av melkesyre.

Poron rehunkäyttö, pötsin pH ja maitohapposisältö siirtymävaiheen ruokinnassa käytettäessä väkirehua, johon on lisätty puskuria ja rasvaa.

Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Rehunkäyttoä, yleistilaa, pötsin pH:ta ja maitohapposisältöä tutkittiin ruokittaessa nälkiintyneitä poroja tavanomaisella väkirehulla (poron 71 = RF-71). Joitakin tuntejaruokinnan aloittamisen jälkeen havaittiin voimakas pötsin pH:n lasku (pH 5.1, koe III). Tämä vaikutus väheni kun poron nauttiman ravinnon joukkoon lisättiin puskuria (pH 6.4, koe III) tai merikaloista valmistettua kovetettua rasvaa (pH 6.1, koe III). RF-71 rehua nauttineiden eläinten pötsin maitohapposisältö oli 40 nM. Puskurin tai kovetetun merellisen eläinperäisen rasvan lisääminen ravintoon ehkäisi maitohapon kasaantumista.




How to Cite

Bøe, U.-B., Gundersen, N., Sletten, H., & Jacobsen, E. (1982). Feed intake, rumenal pH and lactic acid in reindeer during transition to a complete ration added buffer and fat. Rangifer, 2(1), 31–38. https://doi.org/10.7557/


