The newly educated nurse, - expectations and challenges facing the professional role


  • Liv Karin Bjerkvik Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Christine Tschudi-Madsen Oslo Metropolitan University
  • Berit Taraldsen Valeberg Oslo Metropolitan University



newly educated, nurse, expectations, transition, professional role



The purpose is to explore expectations of the professional role and graduate’s first experiences as a professional nurse. The study has a descriptive retrospective design. The method is a survey, and the sample (N=129), 36% of the graduates from a Norwegian university in the Spring of 2017. The graduates were looking forward to start working but dreaded the responsibility and lack of competence. The first months as a professional were characterized by fear of inadequacy and work overload, correlating with limited knowledge of routines and disease-related issues, challenges in clinical assessment, little feedback, and insecurity for the assessment of others. The majority were almost immediately in charge of nursing care with limited supervision. The study confirms that graduates are unprepared for the complex workday of the professional role. Furthermore, mentoring schemes need improvement, and the nursing education should emphasis on practice in independent professional assessment. Challenges in the student-nurse transition still exist and underline a need for more knowledge to address this.


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Author Biographies

Liv Karin Bjerkvik, Oslo Metropolitan University

Universitetslektor, Fakultetet for helsevitenskap, Institutt for sykepleie og helsefremmende arbeid

Christine Tschudi-Madsen, Oslo Metropolitan University

Førstelektor, Fakultetet for helsevitenskap, Institutt for sykepleie og helsefremmende arbeid

Berit Taraldsen Valeberg, Oslo Metropolitan University

Professor, Fakultetet for helsevitenskap, Institutt for sykepleie og helsefremmende arbeid


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Universitetet i Oslo, Nettskjema. https:///




How to Cite

Bjerkvik, L. K., Tschudi-Madsen, C. ., & Valeberg, B. T. (2022). The newly educated nurse, - expectations and challenges facing the professional role. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning, 18(1).



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