Reflection on consolation and the zone of untouchability in insertion of intrauterine device




Consolation, Young women, zone of untouchability, the painful and protecting shame


Young women tell of an experience of strong embarrassment at their first gynecological examinations. An embarrassment that can bear the stamp of humiliation and exposure. In this scientific essay, we take a closer look at the significance of how public health nurses meet these young women, and how consolation as a phenomenon can be relevant in these meetings. Through the youth health center and the student health service, public health nurses meet many young women who want an intrauterine device. For many of these women, it is the first time they have had a gynecological visit. In this context the text is written from the public health nursing gaze of the authors meetings with vulnerable children and grownups and young women receiving intrauterine device as contraception. We want to explore how public health nurses can be open to consolation when we are close to young women’s zone of untouchability during intrauterine device insertion. The intention is not to give a clear answer, but the interpretation of the text has shown that awareness and reflection about safeguarding the zone of untouchability can be important for consolation to young women having an intrauterine device. Such reflections can be valuable knowledge for healthcare professionals who carry out intrauterine device insertion.


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Author Biographies

Sunniva Fjelldal, UIT- Norges arktiske univseritet

Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag, UiT- Campus Tromsø, PhD- stipendiat i helsevitenskap.

Lise-Marie Bergvoll, UiT- Norges arktiske universitet

Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag, Campus Harstad, PhD- stipendiat i helsevitenskap.


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How to Cite

Fjelldal, S. S., & Bergvoll, L.-M. . (2023). Reflection on consolation and the zone of untouchability in insertion of intrauterine device. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning, 18(3).



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