Satisfaction and future plans among newly erducated nurses one year after graduation


  • Liv Karin Bjerkvik Oslo Metropolitan University, Storbyuniversitetet
  • Berit Taraldsen Valeberg Oslo Metropolitan University, Storbyuniversitetet



new qualified, nurse, satisfaction, turover, dropout, further education


Aims: To identify factors affecting newly qualified nurses’ satisfaction and future career plans. Method: Electronic survey in spring 2018. Results: 129 (36%) of 360 invited nurses graduated 2017 participated. The majority were satisfied with their choice of career, identified themselves as nurses and aspired for further education. A quarter planned changing position. A fifth considered changing profession. High satisfaction correlated with a professionally stimulating work environment, collegial support, opportunity to provide nursing care in accordance with own values, high professional identity and low probability of turnover and dropout. Independent responsibility in a supporting environment, professional feedback and high weekly employment correlated with high professional self-confidence.  Part-time positions increased the likelihood of turnover. Conclusion: Newly qualified nurses emphasize opportunities for professional development and quality in their work and are likely to leave their position and the profession when expectations are not met. More knowledge concerning how expectations and professional values affect professional integration is needed to increase retention.


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Author Biographies

Liv Karin Bjerkvik, Oslo Metropolitan University, Storbyuniversitetet

Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute for Nursing and Health Promotion

Berit Taraldsen Valeberg, Oslo Metropolitan University, Storbyuniversitetet

Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Institute for Nursing and Health Promotion,
Professor 2, Department of Nursing and Health Sciences, UNS/University of Southeast Norway, Vestfold


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How to Cite

Bjerkvik, L. K., & Valeberg, B. T. (2023). Satisfaction and future plans among newly erducated nurses one year after graduation. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning, 19(1).



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