Joint appointments can promote collaboration between nursing education and the practice field
Experiences from a project on clinical placement in nursing homes
joint appointments, clinical placement, research on nursing education, focus groupsAbstract
Collaboration between higher education institutions and the practice field is important for students’ learning in clinical placement. This study is part of a larger project that seeks to strengthen the collaboration between educational institutions and the practice field through the use of joint appointments. The purpose of this sub-study is to explore the experiences of lecturers and nurses holding joint appointments in the project. Data was collected in spring 2021 through focus group interviews and analysed using conventional content analysis according to Hsieh and Shannon. The results show that working together in a team of joint appointments fostered a positive sense of community around supervision of students, based on a deeper understanding of each other’s roles. Furthermore, the participants experienced improved collaboration between the educational institution and the practice field. Uncertainty about one’s roles in the beginning of the placement period gradually resolved over time. The study was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected the collaboration and forms of cooperation. A key factor for successful outcomes is commitment to these positions at all levels in both organisations.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Eli-Anne Skaug, Anneline Røssland, Anne Lyberg, Anne Raustøl, Ann Karin Helgesen
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