The relatives' voice

An interview study on experiences and expectations of welfare technology among relatives of nursing home residents




Next-of-kin, welfare technology, competence, care, nursing homes


Technology is increasingly becoming a big part of contemporary healthcare. This article discusses findings from an interview study about experiences and expectations that next-of kin have of the role of technology in the interaction between relatives, nursing home residents and healthcare personnel. The data material consists of eight semi-structured interviews with relatives in various caring relationships with nursing home residents. Although relatives are recognised as a user group for welfare technology, we find that they experience lack of involvement in questions about technology use in nursing homes. Relatives and next-of-kin nevertheless push for technology use and have concrete proposals for technological solutions in the nursing home. At the same time, they emphasize that the use of technology cannot compensate for safe and good care services. In our study, the participants highlight a lack of communication and cooperation, low staffing and varying competence among healthcare personnel as barriers to making use of welfare technology. Our findings show that next-of-kin and relatives are an unused resource in the development and implementation of technology. Further, different understandings of technology can influence perceptions of what (good) care can and should be.


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Author Biographies

Ingvil Hellstrand, UiS

førsteamanuensis ved Avdeling for Omsorg og Etikk, Det Helsevitenskapelige Fakultet, UiS 

Brita Gjerstad, Universitetet i Stavanger

Førsteamanuensis ved institutt for sosialfag, Det Samfunnsvitenskapelige Fakultet, UiS 

Ida Bruheim Jensen, Universitetet i Stavanger

førsteamanuensis ved institutt for sosialfag, Det Samfunnsvitenskapelige Fakultet, UiS 

Ellen Ramvi, Universitetet i Stavanger

professor ved Avdeling for Omsorg og Etikk, Det Helsevitenskapelige Fakultet, UiS 


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How to Cite

Hellstrand, I., Gjerstad, B., Bruheim Jensen, I., & Ramvi, E. (2024). The relatives’ voice: An interview study on experiences and expectations of welfare technology among relatives of nursing home residents. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning, 20(2).



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