The textbook as agent in the reproduction of linguistic realities

A critical close reading of three textbooks for the Norwegian subject in lower primary school


  • Stian Hårstad Norwegian University of Science and Technology



language socialisation, textbook analysis, dialect, critical language awareness (CLA), linguistic realities, cultural models


This article presents an analysis of three textbooks for the Norwegian subject in primary school (school year 2) with particular emphasis on a competence aim which was added to the curriculum in the 2013 revision. This learning outcome concerns the ability to “discuss the concepts of dialect, Bokmål and Nynorsk [the two written standards]”. By focussing on how this concrete curricular amend­ment has been interpreted in pedagogical texts, the study seeks to make evident how teaching materials reproduce certain conceptions of language, here labelled cultural models, and how they thereby potentially indicate what should be regarded as linguistic normalities, and implicitly also what deviates from these normalities. The analyses demonstrate that the textbooks generally emphasise the relation between language and place, and that the monolingual (or mono­lectal) speaker is foregrounded. On the contrary, most other forms of linguistic variation – both intra- and inter-individual – are entirely omitted from the pedagogical texts on this point. The article discusses the authors’ possible impact on the pupils’ systems of classification of and views on their linguistic surround­ings. A main impression is that the three textbooks largely reproduce the narrative of Norway as “The realm of dialects” – with little regard to the fact that the linguistic realities have changed substantially over the last decades.


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