The Distribution and Frequency of the Terms "Pride" and "Prejudice" in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice


  • Tanja Dromnes
  • Sandra Lee Kleppe University of Tromsø
  • Kenneth Mikalsen Sonans Privatgymnas
  • Sigrid Solhaug


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Litteratur, Jane Austsen, Pride and Prejudice,


In this article we examine the title terms of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (1813) with particular attention to their distribution and frequency in the text. Our method is to connect the statistical material gathered on frequency and distribution to a narratological analysis of the terms, with special emphasis on whether they occur within the focalization of the external narrator, or that of character-focalizers. In order to approach this task, we have availed ourselves of the narratological theories of Mieke Bal. We conclude that there is a differentiation among types of focalization in the novel that enhances the thematic structure of match-making. Although Jane Austen wrote and published her major works two centuries ago, they continue to fascinate literary scholars and general readers alike.


Tanja Dromnes

Tanja Dromnes arbeider som språklærer i ungdomsskolen med norsk, engelsk og spansk som fag. I tillegg går hun siste året på 5-årig integrert lektorutdanning med master i engelsk hvor pedagogikk og narrative strategier vil være hovedfokus i masteroppgaven.

Sandra Lee Kleppe, University of Tromsø

Sandra Lee Kleppe er førsteamanuensis i engelsk litteratur ved UiT. Hun er medforfatter av fagboken New Paths to Raymond Carver: Critical Essays on His Life, Fiction and Poetry og har gitt ut artikler i en rekke internasjonale tidsskrifter.

Kenneth Mikalsen, Sonans Privatgymnas

Kenneth Mikalsen arbeider for tiden som lektor og rådgiver ved Sonans Privatgymnas avdeling Tromsø. I tillegg er han medforfatter på et digitalt læreverk i faget internasjonal engelsk.

Sigrid Solhaug

Sigrid Solhaug finished her MA in English Literature at the
University of Tromsø in June 2008. She has just returned from working at Nkosi's Haven in South Africa and is currently occupied with planning her academic future.




Hvordan referere

Dromnes, Tanja, Sandra Lee Kleppe, Kenneth Mikalsen, og Sigrid Solhaug. 2009. «/i>»;. Nordlit, nr. 24 (mars):151-71.