Nr. 23 (2008): Arctic Discourses

					Se Nr. 23 (2008): Arctic Discourses
Redigert av Anka Ryall, Johan Schimanski, og Henning Howlid Wærp. Illustrasjon: Fridtjof Wedel-Jarlsberg Nansen.


Nordlit 23 contains twenty-eight articles on Arctic discourses, based on paper presentations from the conference ‘Arctic Discourses 2008’, at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Tromsø. The conference, which took place from February 21 to February 23, 2008, gathered sixty-five scholars from fifteen countries on Arctic issues within literary criticism, art history, cultural studies and other disciplines in humanities. Another eighteen articles from the conference will be published in a forthcoming book next year. […] Accounts of Arctic or sub-Arctic areas and the people living there represent voluminous material produced both within these areas and in other parts of the world, and in many languages and many different genres, both fictional and non-fictional. These accounts might have been in keeping with Arctic realities to a greater or lesser degree, and some are purely imaginative or speculative, but in any case they constitute an important element of the historical perception of the Arctic and the Far North. Together they represent what we may call Arctic discourses. ‘Arctic Discourses’ is a research project at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Tromsø, co-financed by the Research Council of Norway and the University of Tromsø. Have a pleasant read.
Publisert: 2008-02-08

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