Nr. 46 (2020): Conceptualizing the North


Photo: ©NORDTING. Used with permission.

Edited by Kate Maxwell, Lilli Mittner, and Hanne Hammer Stien

The special issue Conceptualizing the North unites theoretical and artistic understandings of and perspectives from ‘the north’. As an area that emerges as forbidding, fragile, and fluid, with stark contrasts, the northern regions of the planet have long fascinated artists and scientists. With climate change threating the ecology of these regions, their - our - future is unknown.

The issue offers a combination of disciplines and approaches, and is deliberately broad in scope. Through its three sections, entitled ‘travelling’, ‘dwelling’, and ‘composing’, the reader is invited to conceptualize the north through visual art, music, poetry, comics, film, history, museums, sagas, and stories. From their standpoint at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, the editors’ opening article presents the north, its communities, those living and working in and on the region, as co-creative kin. We look forward to you joining us.

Publisert: 2020-12-17

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