«Put a pebble in your pocket”
A qualitative study of public health nurses' use of objects in health dialogues in school health services
public health nurse, comfort, objects, pupils, health dialogueAbstract
Public health nurses aim to prevent illness and promote health based on the Norwegian national guidelines for school health services. The guidelines state that health dialogues should be supportive and contribute to healthy choices for pupils. Most Norwegian teenagers report good physical and mental health. Nevertheless, mental health challenges in adolescence can occur, and at times continue into adulthood. The need for comfort and support will always be there.
The aim of this article is to shed light on how visual methods and concrete objects, or artifacts can contribute to promoting comfort and consolation in public health nurses' school health dialogues.
This article is based on empirical examples from a qualitative doctoral project with 40 public health nurses working in school health services. Relevant empirical examples of the doctoral project were reinterpreted with a focus on comfort. The findings showed that visual methods such as objects can be offered to pupils as tools to support and help them cope when life becomes challenging. Conclusion: A good relationship between nurse and pupil is essential in comforting conversations. Objects can be useful tools in these health promoting dialogues and continue to be a comfort to the young person after they have left the nurses office.
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