When the Thieves Became Masters in the Land of the Shamans


  • Harald Gaski



Emneord (Nøkkelord):

shamans, thieves




Harald Gaski

Harald Gaski (b.1955) is Associate Professor in Sami literature at the University of Tromsø, Norway. He is the author and editor of several books and articles on Sami literature and culture. Gaski has been visiting scholar at several universities in the US, Australia, and in Greenland. Gaski's research topics include indigenous peoples' literatures with a specific emphasis on Sami literature. He has also specialized on oral tradition - especially the transition of the traditional Sami singing, the yoik poetry, into contemporary lyrics. Gaski has participated in translating Sami prose and poetry into English. Latest book including English is the tri-lingual publication about the myth that Sami are the children of the Sun, Biejjien baernie - Sámi Son of the Sun, 2003. Forthcoming is a collection of Sami proverbs translated into English, Time is a Ship That Never Casts Anchor. Gaski has also edited the anthology In the Shadow of the Midnight Sun. Contemporary Sami Prose and Poetry, 1997, and a collection of essays on current Sami issues, Sami Culture in a New Era. The Norwegian Sami Experience, 1997.




Hvordan referere

Gaski, Harald. 2004. «When the Thieves Became Masters in the Land of the Shamans». Nordlit, nr. 15 (juli):35–45. https://doi.org/10.7557/13.1906.


