Kvalitet i praksisstudier i sykepleier- og vernepleierutdanning
https://doi.org/10.7557/14.3772Emneord (Nøkkelord):
quality, clinical studies, collaboration, health and social care education, kvalitet, praksisstudier, samarbeid, helse- og sosialfag utdanningSammendrag
Background: Clinical training in health and social care educations are important in the development of professional competence. Evidence indicates that there are major quality differences in clinical practice in health- and social studies.
Purpose: To examine what key players related to clinical practice in nursing and social education believes provides quality.
Method: Focus Group Interview where students, supervisor and teachers participated in all groups.
Results: Students learning in practice presupposes a knowledge base of the student, a learning environment with adapted responsibilities and coping capabilities, and a relationship with the supervisor who promotes both recognition and needed correction. The supervisor's role can be strengthened through individual competence, clearer support from boss and co-workers, and more emphasis on triangular cooperation with the college.
Conclusion: There is a large overlap in the understanding of what in practice is all about quality. The perspectives of the three actors appear primarily as mutually complementary.