Implementering av forskningsbasert bacheloreksamen i sykepleie – prosess og erfaring
bacheloreksamen, implementering, evidensbasert sykepleie, utdanning, bachelor thesis, implementation, evidence-based nursing, educationResumé
Implementation of a research-based bachelor thesis in nursing – process and experiences
Background: Ability to ensure quality and to evaluate own practice of nursing, is essential in order to practice a research based health care. An increase of research skills among future nurses, are thus central. The aim of this paper is to describe experiences connected with implementation of a new research-based model for examination of bachelor thesis in bachelor degree in nursing at Molde University College, Norway.
Results: The curriculum has gained a clearer focus on science and research, and informative guidelines have been developed. The final bachelor thesis is now consisting of a systematic literature review based on scientific articles. The auditorium as a learning arena in the form of a thesis defence contributes to awareness of importance of research for nursing.
Conclusion: The introduction of a new research based model for the bachelor thesis has strengthened the academic environment. Currently, Bachelor of Nursing has a clear focus on research and development. Newly qualified nurses are well placed to work knowledge based and to participate in development of clinical practice.