Tuberkulose som tegn på virkelighet i Hamsuns Victoria (1898)
Victoria, tuberkulose, virkelighetseffekt, realisme, sykdomslitteratur, pasient, kjønnAbstract
In Knut Hamsun´s novel Victoria (1898) the female protagonist Victoria dies of tuberculosis only 23 years old. Victoria is one of Hamsun´s best known and most widely read novels, however the presence of tuberculosis has been scarcely elaborated. I would like to discuss how the rendering of tuberculosis in the novel corresponds with Hamsun´s own experience of the disease, as well as with its historical and cultural presence. Inspired by Roland Barthes´ concept of realityeffect, I will discuss how medical and historical facts are either integrated or transformed by means of the novel´s plot. Victoria has traditionally been considered a less central character than Johannes. Paying attention to the presence of tuberculosis, both as a historical and medical reality effect, I will bring to light the rendering of Victoria as a female character experiencing liberation and authenticity due to her terminal illness.
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