Attentive presence

Students' understanding of relational competence after completing further education in mental health work, a hermeneutic study.




relational competence, mental health care, further education in mental health care, attentive presence, student experience


The professional's relational-competence in mental health care has significance for people's hopes and life opportunities after experiencing crisis and mental illness. The purpose of the study is to elaborate students’ understanding of relational-competence after completing further education in mental health care. The study has a descriptive and exploratory design with a hermeneutical approach. Five nurses and two social workers were interviewed. Kvale and Brinkmann's three levels of understanding were used in the analysis. The result of the analysis were the main themes: "Being human in the face of the other" and "Understanding what is required in the specific situation". The students understood and described relational-competence as attentive presence – a movement between internal and external processes. Attentive presence appeared as a competence and expressed through understanding, being, and acting practically in the situation. Further education, the clinical and research field are challenged to recognising attentive presence as a competence related to discovery, experience, and experiential learning.


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Author Biographies

Grethe Johansen, nord universitet

Universitetslektor, Fakultet for sykepleie og helsevitenskap, Mo i Rana

Johanne Alteren, Høgskolen i Molde

Professor, PhD, kandidat i sykepleievitenskap, sykepleie

Avd. Helse- og sosialfag


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How to Cite

Johansen, G., & Alteren, J. (2021). Attentive presence: Students’ understanding of relational competence after completing further education in mental health work, a hermeneutic study. Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning, 17(2).



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