Nordiske sundhedsfremmende perspektiver på ældre menneskers deltagelse og tryghed


  • Marianne Mahler Aalborg universitet
  • Anne Clancy UiT Norges arktiske universitet
  • Aud Johannessen Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
  • Johanne Lind Københavns Professionshøgskole
  • Anne Liveng Roskilde Universitet
  • Anneli Sarvimäki Äldreinstitutet
  • Bettina Stenbock-Hult Nylands svenska yrkeshögskola Arcada
  • Nina Simonsen University of Helsinki



healthy ageing, Nordic countries, security, participation, nordiske lande, tryghed, deltagelse


Nordic Health Promotion Perspectives on Older Adults Participation and Sense og Security

Demographic changes and the growing elderly population in Scandinavia provide an incentive to study Health Ageing in the Nordic Countries. The chosen Nordic perspective takes into account commonalities and differences in socio-economic status, welfare systems, gender, history and culture. It also involves focusing on the health of individuals and populations. The Nordic perspective and the authors’ understanding of health and health promotion provide a backdrop for the essay. The authors are part of the Nordic Health Promotion Network (NHPRN), which is grounded in an ethics of health and well-being. This understanding highlights key values such as participation, justice and equality (freedom from discrimination), autonomy (independence). The authors focus mainly on the importance of participation and on the older person’s sense of security in this paper. We seek answers to what prevents and in which way Healthy Ageing can be promoted in the Northern countries. Concepts such as discrimination, retirement, dementia, nursing home residents’ access to nature and the elements, and the importance of relationships are illuminated.


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Anne Clancy, UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Institutt for helse- og omsorgsfag

professor, PhD

Aud Johannessen, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

Campus Vestfold

professor, Dr. PH

Johanne Lind, Københavns Professionshøgskole

Institut for Sygeplejerske- og Ernæringsuddannelserne

lektor, MPH, cand mag

Anne Liveng, Roskilde Universitet

Associate Professor, PhD

Anneli Sarvimäki, Äldreinstitutet


Bettina Stenbock-Hult, Nylands svenska yrkeshögskola Arcada

överlärare emerita, PhD

Nina Simonsen, University of Helsinki

Folkhälsan Research Center and Department of Public Health





Referera så här

Mahler, M., Clancy, A., Johannessen, A., Lind, J., Liveng, A., Sarvimäki, A., Stenbock-Hult, B., & Simonsen, N. (2020). Nordiske sundhedsfremmende perspektiver på ældre menneskers deltagelse og tryghed . Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning, 16(1), 19.



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